Ayurveda cure - Brain Health

Ayurveda cure - Brain Health

Ayurveda cure - Brain Health

Jetzt zur Kur anmelden

Good memory is important in all lifetimes. Stress and everyday life can permanently impair memory.

This cure activates the brain through detoxification and the supply of vital substances and supports a good memory.

A herbal detox is recommended beforehand.

Every Ayurvedic cure starts with an Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis and a detailed conversation to determine the constitution. This can be done in person or by (video) telephone. Based on this, your personal treatment plan is determined.

so exquisite, so unique, somamed

All oils and herbal essences used during the cure are made from precious ingredients and are medicinally prepared in the in-house oil kitchen especially for your treatment and on the doctor's instructions. The aim is to eliminate the toxins dissolved in the body through the treatments by means of the medicated oils through appropriate applications.

The ingredients of the oils penetrate the skin and cells to nourish them. Tension and stress are released. In order to achieve an ideal cure, our massages are carried out in silence. The treatments are individually adapted to you based on your constitutional type as well as the existing clinical picture.

so exclusive, so private, somamed

Selected treatments are carried out by two therapists in unison and synchronously. As a guest, you will only be treated by a therapist of the same sex.


  • Price valid from 01.01.2025
    € 3.438,-

The following services are included in this price:

  • 1 Pre-cure medical consultation
  • 3 Nasya - head drainage
  • 2 Shiroabhyanga - partial massage head
  • 2 Shirodhara - Oil forehead cast
  • 5 Avagahan Svedana - heat application in the tub
  • 5 Memory infusions
  • 6 nights (Sun-Sat) in a Vastu Standard double room - Junior Suite available at an extra charge
  • All Inclusive board - full board
  • daily thermal water drinking cure
  • 1 yoga session
  • 1 Vedic organ harmonisation
  • 1 Final consultation with medical health and nutrition advice for lasting success of the cure

Group meditations take place in the house, if you are interested please ask at the reception. You can attend the lectures held in the house free of charge.

*Prices per person incl. VAT, excl. tourism tax. Changes to the treatment plan are charged according to expenditure. Food supplements and medicines are not included in the price of the cure.

Nasya - head drainage

Sinusitis, memory disorders, migraine, annoying ear noises or dry nasal mucous membranes are problem situations that can be improved by Nasya. A Nasya treatment is a combination of head, face and neck massage, inhalation, warm wraps and head drainage through the administration of medicated nasal oil. This application is very effective as the Nasya has a direct effect on the central nervous system, which improves the interaction of psyche and mind and can also improve the quality of sleep.

Shirodhara - forehead casting

An Ayurvedic forehead cast - Shirodhara is a treatment in which an evenly flowing jet of oil is slowly passed back and forth on the forehead for about 20 minutes. This treatment is carried out in absolute silence. Deep relaxation, calmness and balance usually result.

Bashpa Svedana - heat applications in the tub

Heat treatments are an essential part of the Pancha Karma cure. Heat treatments lead to the opening of the Shrotas (finest body channels). A tub bath with our thermal water from the Dreikönigsquelle Haag is an excellent way to do this.

Vastu Room - Our Building Biology

Our entire building is of high quality construction biology. We have used only natural building materials without toxic additives and shielded all sources (EMS). As far as possible, the building materials used were sourced regionally (the wood, for example, comes from Dr. Schachinger's forest). The room furnishings come from the company Team7 - Naturally Living, which also produces from local woods in Upper Austria. Our beds were made without metal. In addition to the use of organic materials, the entire house and all rooms are structured according to the rules of Vedic architecture (Vastu - Maharishi Stapatyaveda). This creates a high energetic value of the living feeling.

Catering in soma-med - All Inclusive

The right diet is essential for the success of an Ayurvedic cleansing cure. We provide you with high-quality food that comes from (regional) organic farming. The right preparation makes the high-quality raw materials not only a delight for the palate, but also valuable building blocks for your body. Your diet is adapted in each case to your personal needs and daily to the phase of the cure. Our all-inclusive package covers all meals, teas and medicinal herbal decoctions.

Thermal water

We prescribe two treatments with our thermal water. Drinking cures and baths. Our thermal water, recognised as a healing resource, contains sodium carbonate, magnesium and other minerals. This makes it ideal for treating hyperacidity caused by stress and chronic diseases.

Organ Harmonization

Acoustic and visual representation of the relationship between Veda (primordial sounds of creation) and the human body.