As the digestive fire is strongest at midday in our climate zone, lunch should be the main meal of the day and should take place between 11am and 2pm. This is the Pitta time of...
23.02.24 - As the digestive fire is strongest at midday in our climate zone, lunch should be the main meal of the day and should take place between 11am and 2pm. This is the Pitta time of...
Now that it's clear that breakfast is the second most important meal of the day after lunch, it's time to decide who should eat what and how much. Fasting at night Not only in...
16.02.24 - Now that it's clear that breakfast is the second most important meal of the day after lunch, it's time to decide who should eat what and how much. Fasting at night Not only in...
Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. The name goes back to Bishop Valentine, who married young couples and presented them with flowers in early Christian times. This day is...
09.02.24 - Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. The name goes back to Bishop Valentine, who married young couples and presented them with flowers in early Christian times. This day is...
In the month of February, we are looking at the topic of "breakfast" from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda. Breakfast is considered unimportant in many modern diets....
02.02.24 - In the month of February, we are looking at the topic of "breakfast" from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda. Breakfast is considered unimportant in many modern diets....
You have good intentions: get up early in the morning, do oil massages and yoga asanas to start the day fit. But the bed pillow won't let you go. Despite the alarm clock, you...
26.01.24 - You have good intentions: get up early in the morning, do oil massages and yoga asanas to start the day fit. But the bed pillow won't let you go. Despite the alarm clock, you...
According to Ayurveda, a good beginning is crucial for the success of an action. A good start to the day paves the way to success, well-being, health and happiness. The...
12.01.24 - According to Ayurveda, a good beginning is crucial for the success of an action. A good start to the day paves the way to success, well-being, health and happiness. The...
Our doctor Wolfgang Schachinger, his wife Gerda and a group from Austria travelled to India after the Christmas holidays to be part of a very special event. More than 11,000...
12.01.24 - Our doctor Wolfgang Schachinger, his wife Gerda and a group from Austria travelled to India after the Christmas holidays to be part of a very special event. More than 11,000...
The start takes up a lot of space in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Ayurveda and yoga attach great importance to starting all activities only when the mind and body are...
29.12.23 - The start takes up a lot of space in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Ayurveda and yoga attach great importance to starting all activities only when the mind and body are...
The Christmas holidays are coming - far too quickly, as always. Are you already well prepared? Have you planned the party, thought up a menu, bought presents, organised your...
15.12.23 - The Christmas holidays are coming - far too quickly, as always. Are you already well prepared? Have you planned the party, thought up a menu, bought presents, organised your...
Do you have a good "gut feeling"? When you feel into your stomach, do you feel a sense of well-being and lightness? Or does it squeeze and pinch, does it feel heavy or even...
07.12.23 - Do you have a good "gut feeling"? When you feel into your stomach, do you feel a sense of well-being and lightness? Or does it squeeze and pinch, does it feel heavy or even...
There are many reflex points on the surface of the abdomen that control intestinal activity. Many people suffer from mild abdominal discomfort: flatulence, pressure, cramps or...
28.11.23 - There are many reflex points on the surface of the abdomen that control intestinal activity. Many people suffer from mild abdominal discomfort: flatulence, pressure, cramps or...
I"He who rests, rusts" is a well-known saying. Many people stop their regular exercise programme, which is a matter of course in summer, during the cold season. There are all...
24.11.23 - I"He who rests, rusts" is a well-known saying. Many people stop their regular exercise programme, which is a matter of course in summer, during the cold season. There are all...
Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels
In Ayurveda, the most subtle life energy is called prana. We absorb prana through the air we breathe. This energy is essential for life. When we are tired or ill, the cause is...
Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels
17.11.23 - In Ayurveda, the most subtle life energy is called prana. We absorb prana through the air we breathe. This energy is essential for life. When we are tired or ill, the cause is...