Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner


Anita Gmeiner

Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner

When did you learn to meditate and with whom?

I learnt Transcendental Meditation from Barbara Diewald and Günter Rickal at soma about 2 years ago. I came across TM through Wolfgang Schachinger. He raved about it in the live webinars. That made me curious. I've always enjoyed listening to meditations, but until then with music or guided texts.

What was the learning process like?

There was a non-binding personal consultation with Barbara Diewald beforehand. She gave me detailed information and explanations about the process. Only then did I decide that I really wanted to learn TM.

You have already tried other types of meditation. What is the advantage of TM for you?

TM made me very curious because you don't need anything. No music, no texts and I can do TM anytime, anywhere, without any technical aids. From today's perspective, I have to say that TM cannot be compared to other meditations with guided texts or music. I find TM much more intense, it is much more immersive and something completely different, and I am thrilled.

What has changed in you since you started meditating?

Mentally, I think I've become more relaxed and calm. This immersion in thoughtlessness and silence brings me a certain inner peace and balance. In my day-to-day work, i.e. in our practice, a lot often happens at the same time. The phone is ringing and patients are talking to me at the same time. I now keep my inner calm. That gives me a lot of strength.

Hormonkurve Monatsverlauf

Do you feel more energised since you started doing TM?

I usually meditate in the morning and then I feel refreshed, full of energy and yet completely calm. It's a good feeling to start the day like this. This inner peace gives me so much strength that I can get through a long working day. Of course, not every day is the same. But TM brings a constant to my energy level.

How often do you meditate and for how long?

I meditate for 20 minutes a day. Twice a day would be ideal, but I often don't manage that. At soma, we are lucky that we are allowed to meditate at work. There is a room of silence at soma and anyone who knows this room knows that it has a special energy. I often meditate there together with colleagues and that has a completely different quality to meditating alone at home. The energy is much more noticeable. You have to try it out for yourself to find out what it means and how it feels.

Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (1)

  • Hildegard Kathan schrieb am 04.11.2023

    Dieses Interview ist Musik in meinen Ohren.
    Als langjährige TM-Lehrerin kann ich alles bestätigen.
    Wenn nur viel mehr Menschen davon profitieren würden!!!

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