Ayurveda and child health
20 September was "World Day of the Child". This day reminds us of children's rights and how important it is to create an environment worth living in for children. This includes protection of the environment as well as protection of health.
In modern medicine, the essential part of promoting children's health is administering vaccinations.
Ayurveda offers us an incomparably wider range of additional knowledge and measures to promote the health of children and young people.
The cycle of the first quarter of life is governed by Kapha-Dosha. Balanced growth of body, mind, spirituality and emotional qualities in the child and adolescent is the concern of the Ayurvedic tradition. This lays the foundation for a stable, healthy and successful life.
Kapha in balance
Kapha comprises the elements earth and water, which stand for fruitful growth. When Kapha is balanced, the following qualities dominate:
- Stability
- Endurance
- Strength
- Gentleness
- Good memory and learning ability
- Balanced body proportions
- Strong immune system
- Resistance to stress
- Emotional stability
- Cheerful disposition
These qualities develop in children and young people whose kapha is well nourished.
How do you nourish balanced Kapha?
Kapha is kept in balance through regularity in the rhythms of life and a satisfying diet.
The tastes sweet, sour and salty should dominate in the diet as well as the qualities heavy (satiating), oily and cooling. The food should be fresh, well seasoned, varied and full of vital substances. The emphasis should be on food that is not industrially prefabricated and loaded with unnatural substances. When it says here that the taste of sweet is important, it doesn't mean sugar, but high-quality grains, oils (ghee, omega-3-containing oils like linseed oil) and protein-rich plants.
An important measure to nourish Kapha is the use of oil massages and essential oils. The skin, as the outer surface of the body, can absorb vital substances, as can the intestines. Through the external application of oils, it is possible to supply the body with healing plant substances. Oil massage can be used regularly from infancy and should be part of the weekly rhythm in the family. A particularly nourishing and balancing oil is Ksheer Bala Thaila.
Kapha, because of its emphasis on the elements of earth and water, is particularly responsive to the sensations of taste and smell. Essential oils with sweet scents (geranium, rose, ylang-ylang, blends such as Nidra aroma oil...) strengthen the Kapha quality and lead to balance and stability.
Kapha in imbalance
If Kapha is not in balance, this can be seen in typical symptoms. Children and adolescents are restless, anxious and often ill. Symptoms of accumulated Vata (insomnia, nervousness...) or Pitta (irritability, inner heat...) appear more or less intensely. The immune system does not develop properly, which can lead to susceptibility to infections or chronic allergic complaints of the skin (eczema, neurodermatitis) and mucous membranes (hay fever, asthma).
If the balance is lost due to too much Kapha, swollen lymph glands, adenoids ("nasal polyps"), chronically inflamed and enlarged pharyngeal tonsils and increased mucus formation are the consequences. Nowadays, these diseases can be treated well with surgical measures. Nevertheless, preventive measures and maintenance of the child's health are preferable to surgery.
Restoring the balance
Depending on the nature of the disorder, various herbal products from Ayurveda can be used to restore the balance.
Vata disturbance: manifests in restless sleep, long time to fall asleep, sleep interruptions, nervousness and anxiety.
For small children, the syrup MA674 is recommended here, for older children who can already take tablets, the herbal tablets MA724 fit better. These children should receive regular oil massages with Ksheer Bala oil or Vata massage oil before shower or bath. Even partial massages can have a very good effect. Sufficient ghee and omega 3 containing oils (linseed oil, Norsan omega 3 oil) should be used here.
Pitta disorder: manifests itself in irritability, irascibility, destructive behaviour, night sweats.
For smaller children the liver syrup MA936 is recommended, for older children and adolescents the liver rasayana tablets MA937. Pitta aroma oil and oil massages with Pitta massage oil can work small miracles. These children also need plenty of high quality oils such as ghee, linseed oil and omega 3 oils.
Kapha disorder: manifests in fatigue, sluggishness, overweight, chronic mucus and swollen glands (adenoids, nasal polyps...), susceptibility to infections, allergies with rhinitis and asthma or eczema.
For these children, it is important to greatly reduce mucus-forming foods such as dairy products. Sugar consumption should also be kept to an absolute minimum. Stimulating spices such as ginger, pepper, long pepper and turmeric should be used in the diet of these children.
For acute events such as infections or flare-ups of an allergy, Bisept juice is a proven remedy. For chronic complaints, the herbal tablets MA290 can be used. As essential oils, mint-containing oils such as MA634 are beneficial from the age of 2.
General measures
Regular meals, daily exercise in the fresh air and sufficient sleep especially before midnight are the most important lifestyle measures to balance and nourish Kapha.
Healthy children benefit from the use of Maharishi Chyavanprash, a tasty herbal paste that can be used in a variety of ways: as a 'sweet treat', as a spread on bread, as a seasoning for muesli and cereal porridge, as an enhancement for milk or plant milk....
Kapha is the dominant dosha in the developmental phase of the human being. Balanced Kapha guarantees a healthy, happy and joyful childhood. To achieve this, Kapha should be well nourished.
An imbalance of Kapha or a disturbing dominance of Vata or Pitta in the first quarter of life leads to diseases and disturbances in development. Timely measures to balance the doshas can restore health and equilibrium.
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