life goals


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

life goals

The 5 pillars of health are important signposts on the way to a better life. We have written about the pillars of nutrition/relaxation and relaxation/movement in the last newsletters. Today, read about the central importance of life goals, according to the motto "No goal, no way". We need clear self-chosen goals to give life a direction that makes us personally happy and allows us to make a valuable contribution to society.

Life goals in the classical texts

A reading of the classical Ayurvedic texts clarifies the importance of life goals. In the first chapter of the Charaka Samhita, it is described that the Rishis brought Ayurveda to the people to improve health and longevity so that they could live their "dharma".
"Dharma" is often translated as "duty". However, it means much more the "cosmic order" in which every human being has his or her place. The duty is to find this place for one's own good and for the support of society and the environment.

How to find my place in life

How can one find this place? What clues are there in life that show us where that place might be?
The answer is astonishing. Our talents, abilities and inclinations show us in which direction we can and should develop in life. Activities that correspond to our "dharma" and thus our life goals feel good. They make us satisfied and happy. Activities in harmony with life goals are easy to do. One does not tire so quickly, on the contrary, these activities seem to give us additional energy. They give us a deep satisfaction that inspires us.

Fatigue and exhaustion as a result of deviation from the goal

Many people seek soma because they are tired and exhausted. Such a state can arise under certain circumstances during activities that correspond to life goals. An example of this is young mothers who are exhausted by working non-stop for family and children. In very many cases, however, a state of exhaustion indicates that the job or life situation does not correspond to personal abilities and possibilities. Very often it is an indication that the person concerned has to exert himself or herself continuously in order to survive in life, because the activities do not give pleasure. They do not correspond to the "Dharma".

Burn out as the end of the line

Such a life situation often leads to an unfortunate downward spiral. Life becomes more and more burdensome and oppressive, the exhaustion more and more morbid. Very often, situations of burnout, depressive states or even physical illness arise. Due to the lack of energy, it seems more and more difficult to change the life situation.
However, a change is crucial for giving life a positive turn. New goals and a new environment are then necessary to perceive light and joy in life again.

Goals in the course of life

Goals change again and again in the course of life. A child has different goals than a student, a professional in midlife or a senior in the last stage of life. In order to be happy, to enjoy a healthy and energetic life, it is important to keep adjusting the goals to the stage of life. So you have to ask yourself again and again: What is good for me? What comes easily to me? What makes me happy? The honest answers to these questions make it possible to define our goals.

"Happiness diary"

Particularly effective is an exercise that we also recommend in one of our webinars, the so-called "happiness diary". If you answer the above three questions in writing every day in the evening in a leisure hour, you generate a strong positive energy that enlivens the life fields of well-being, inclinations and gratitude. In this way, we succeed in getting closer and closer to our "dharma".


The "5 pillars of health" by soma are important signposts for a happy and successful life. Health forms the basis for prosperity and successful relationships in family and society.
The 2 pairs of opposites, nourishing/relaxing and relaxing/moving, together with your individual life goals, show practical measures that lead with ease to a life in good health.

Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (2)

  • Ellen Stoeren schrieb am 30.04.2023

    Vielen Dank für diese Artikel über Lebensziele! Ich habe viele Ziele im leben schon erreicht, jetzt bin ich 73 Jahre und suche ein Lebensziel für die 3 Lebensphase. Ich möchte eine weise Frau werden. Ich möchte lernen im Jetzt zu leben, Freude spüren, Gesund sein und mein Platzt im Leben finden.

  • Monika Fröschl schrieb am 29.04.2023

    Großartig, dieser Artikel, danke fürs Erinnern! Jetzt steht digital detox an, um mich mehr für die wahren Ziele einzustimmen.?

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