the soothing Ayurvedic massage of the face



Barbara Treiblmaier

the soothing Ayurvedic massage of the face


Mukha means face, Abhyanga means oil massage.

Mukabhyanga is a sub-form of the Abhyanga massage.

Mukabhyanga (face massage) is to be distinguished from Shiroabhyanga (head massage), which includes stimulation of the scalp.
During an abhyanga, however, both partial massages are usually performed. The head massage mainly stimulates the nerve pathways at the back of the head and can influence the condition of the hair.

During the Mukabhyanga facial massage, the entire face such as forehead, nose, eye area, cheeks and chin are massaged with a special oil and aroma additives with circular and stroking movements. The Ayurvedic marma points (energy points) of the vital point massage also play a role here.
This partial body massage is mainly used in the wellness and beauty sector. The treatment can refine the skin texture and remove impurities. It improves the elasticity of the skin, stimulates blood circulation and removes toxins.

Most people do not even notice how tense their face is. When the face is relaxed through massage, it affects the whole body. Many people clench their teeth at night and have tense muscles during the day. Mukhabhyanga can also be very effective for teeth grinding (bruxism).
Those who are exposed to a lot of stress in everyday life often suffer from a feeling of pressure in the head and forehead area. Mukabhyanga can work wonders against headaches and forehead pressure.

You should definitely treat yourself to a head and face massage with oil if you are looking for relaxation and wellness. Because with mukabhyanga, tension in the neck, shoulder and face area is relieved and headaches are alleviated.

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