Praxis News

Praxis News

 Vaccination prevention package

Vaccination prevention package

For many of you, a Corona vaccination is inevitable in the next 1 - 2 months. Just as you can prepare for an infection, it is also possible to minimise the side effects of the...

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 Vaccination prevention package

Vaccination prevention package

17.12.21 - For many of you, a Corona vaccination is inevitable in the next 1 - 2 months. Just as you can prepare for an infection, it is also possible to minimise the side effects of the...

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 We are getting ready!

We are getting ready!

The old knowledge. Combined with new ideas. soma. The best of East and West. Carefully united in one house. soma, the new centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and holistic medicine....

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 We are getting ready!

We are getting ready!

03.12.21 - The old knowledge. Combined with new ideas. soma. The best of East and West. Carefully united in one house. soma, the new centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and holistic medicine....

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 How do I deal with the Corona pandemic?

How do I deal with the Corona pandemic?

The fourth Corona wave has reached Austria with full force. Many people have not yet recovered from the restrictions of the first three pandemic peaks. Now everything seems to...

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 How do I deal with the Corona pandemic?

How do I deal with the Corona pandemic?

19.11.21 - The fourth Corona wave has reached Austria with full force. Many people have not yet recovered from the restrictions of the first three pandemic peaks. Now everything seems to...

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 Health and the qualities of the mind

Health and the qualities of the mind

In the month of November, the theme "Mental Health" is at the forefront of our activities. This is reflected in the "Products of the Month", which are primarily aimed at...

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 Health and the qualities of the mind

Health and the qualities of the mind

12.11.21 - In the month of November, the theme "Mental Health" is at the forefront of our activities. This is reflected in the "Products of the Month", which are primarily aimed at...

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 Obituary Dr Ernst Schrott

Obituary Dr Ernst Schrott

Obituary Dr. Ernst Schrott 5.01.1951 - 22.10.2021 The news of his departure from this life has shaken us.  On 22 October, Dr. Ernst Schrott passed away forever like a...

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 Obituary Dr Ernst Schrott

Obituary Dr Ernst Schrott

29.10.21 - Obituary Dr. Ernst Schrott 5.01.1951 - 22.10.2021 The news of his departure from this life has shaken us.  On 22 October, Dr. Ernst Schrott passed away forever like a...

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 soma med Health Check

soma med Health Check

Only a few days left:Discounts worth € 50,- / € 250,- or even up to € 1.250,-. soma med health cheque up to € 1.250,- free for: products of the Maharishi Ayurveda...

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 soma med Health Check

soma med Health Check

14.10.21 - Only a few days left:Discounts worth € 50,- / € 250,- or even up to € 1.250,-. soma med health cheque up to € 1.250,- free for: products of the Maharishi Ayurveda...

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 soma med Health Check

soma med Health Check

Only a few days left:Discounts worth € 50,- / € 250,- or even up to € 1.250,-. soma med health cheque up to € 1.250,- free for: products of the Maharishi Ayurveda...

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 soma med Health Check

soma med Health Check

14.10.21 - Only a few days left:Discounts worth € 50,- / € 250,- or even up to € 1.250,-. soma med health cheque up to € 1.250,- free for: products of the Maharishi Ayurveda...

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 Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 3

Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 3

Never before have so many young people been exposed to such stress as today. Statistics and publications of recent weeks speak a clear language. Many young people are...

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 Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 3

Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 3

09.10.21 - Never before have so many young people been exposed to such stress as today. Statistics and publications of recent weeks speak a clear language. Many young people are...

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 Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 2

Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 2

The start of school is over. Pupils, students and teachers are back in learning mode. Many find it difficult to adjust to the new rhythm.  It is noticeable that many...

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 Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 2

Ayurvedic tips for pupils, students and teachers - Part 2

24.09.21 - The start of school is over. Pupils, students and teachers are back in learning mode. Many find it difficult to adjust to the new rhythm.  It is noticeable that many...

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 The liver - often underestimated power organ

The liver - often underestimated power organ

"I feel fatigued all the time," "I sleep well but am still tired," "I have a barely noticeable feeling of pressure in my right upper abdomen." Patients with a strained liver...

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 The liver - often underestimated power organ

The liver - often underestimated power organ

01.07.21 - "I feel fatigued all the time," "I sleep well but am still tired," "I have a barely noticeable feeling of pressure in my right upper abdomen." Patients with a strained liver...

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 The healthy gut - part 5

The healthy gut - part 5

In our series of blog articles on the intestine, we have so far mainly reported on internal applications. But the intestine as the centre of the vegetative control of the body...

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 The healthy gut - part 5

The healthy gut - part 5

07.05.21 - In our series of blog articles on the intestine, we have so far mainly reported on internal applications. But the intestine as the centre of the vegetative control of the body...

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 The healthy gut - part 4

The healthy gut - part 4

The intestine as the centre of the human body's metabolic activities was the topic of our last blog articles. According to Ayurveda, the value of a well-functioning...

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 The healthy gut - part 4

The healthy gut - part 4

23.04.21 - The intestine as the centre of the human body's metabolic activities was the topic of our last blog articles. According to Ayurveda, the value of a well-functioning...

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 The healthy gut - Part 3

The healthy gut - Part 3

"Why should I take a mineral supplement? I eat a whole food diet!"   We often hear this statement in our practice. There are two reasons for substituting trace...

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 The healthy gut - Part 3

The healthy gut - Part 3

08.04.21 - "Why should I take a mineral supplement? I eat a whole food diet!"   We often hear this statement in our practice. There are two reasons for substituting trace...

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 The healthy gut - part 2

The healthy gut - part 2

The Kapha season , which has now begun, has its opportunities and risks like any other season. Kapha means juice, strength and fertility when it is in balance. When Kapha is too...

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 The healthy gut - part 2

The healthy gut - part 2

26.03.21 - The Kapha season , which has now begun, has its opportunities and risks like any other season. Kapha means juice, strength and fertility when it is in balance. When Kapha is too...

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 The healthy gut - Part 1

The healthy gut - Part 1

In Maharishi Ayurveda, the intestine is considered the central organ of the body. Intestinal health is a prerequisite for the health of all other organs and the entire body. The...

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 The healthy gut - Part 1

The healthy gut - Part 1

12.03.21 - In Maharishi Ayurveda, the intestine is considered the central organ of the body. Intestinal health is a prerequisite for the health of all other organs and the entire body. The...

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