Seasonal cleansing cures


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Seasonal cleansing cures

When was the last time you did something good for yourself? A massage, a wellness weekend?

Well-being is important for a strong immune system. We feel best when we are internally cleansed. That's why for thousands of years, classical Ayurvedic texts have recommended "cleaning up inside" through seasonal cleansing cures. With our various webinars, we enable you to tune into an optimal seasonal rhythm without much effort.

Ayurvedische Reinigungskuren

Why is it recommended to use cleansing cures so frequently?

There are simple practical reasons. Old toxins accumulate in the human body over the days and weeks. We know from modern research that "cellular waste" is produced in every cell, left over from building blocks of the cell that have become unusable. Materials that the body cannot use temporarily also accumulate in the connective tissue. The connective tissue is something like a "waste material collection centre" of the body. We know from everyday life that any kind of dirt is all the more difficult to clean and remove the longer it has been on instruments or objects. For example, if used dishes are not washed for days, the dirt dries up. It is then necessary to soak the dishes and treat them with surfactants before cleaning. Only after a longer soaking time will the dirt come off easily.

Old dirt sticks

It is all the more difficult to get rid of it. The situation is similar in the body. Slag and old dirt that have existed for years become more and more firmly sealed off from the cells and organs, they become incrusted and harden. Subjectively, one notices this in the fact that one becomes increasingly stiff and immobile. The longer these slags remain unchecked in the body, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.

Cleaning immediately after use is quick and easy

Objects are much easier to clean immediately after use. All it takes is a quick shower of water and a quick wipe - and the cleaning is done. If the body is purified every few months, everything happens quickly and painlessly. Slags that have been encrusted for years, on the other hand, hold on tight. They can only be released with difficulty and pain.

Ama is a breeding ground for diseases, ojas nourishes happiness and health.

These waste products are called Ama in Ayurveda. Ama is considered a breeding ground for all diseases. The idea of eliminating Ama at the shortest possible intervals comes from the fact that this achieves much better results. If ama is eliminated, sufficient ojas can be produced again from the food, which is the basic substance for happiness and good health. With sufficient ojas, the organism can protect itself against all diseases and against ageing. So the motto is: it is better to purify more often with a short cleansing cure than to wait until you finally have time and money for the ultimate Pancha Karma cure. In order to make purification cures in short intervals possible for everyone, we have developed our Maharishi AyurVeda webinars strictly according to the templates of classical texts. "Winterfit: optimal cleansing after the warm season, balancing Vata to be stronger for the cold season. Herbal Detox: takes place as a webinar during the fasting season, can be done individually at any time. This cure is the best way to eliminate large amounts of Ama within a very short time. Happy Slim: At the end of the Kapha season, this 3.5 week cure helps to eliminate accumulated Kapha and Ama. The most important thing in this cure is the sustained practice of optimal eating habits and other aspects of the Ayurvedic lifestyle.

We are ready to give you all the support you need for good health, well-being and a strong immune system.  

We look forward to your feedback!