Kitchen - soma COOKING
In our kitchen at soma- the centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and holistic medicine, selected Ayurvedic spices, organic and regional foods are harmoniously prepared into a menu.
From Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 14:00, external guests can also dine with us in addition to our spa guests. Our chef will spoil you with balanced, healthy, spicy, wholesome and vegetarian dishes. As far as possible, we use only organic and regional ingredients.
We offer you a lunch menu in a quiet, familiar and smoke-free atmosphere. Here you get starter*, salad (in summer), main course, dessert*, punch and in summer lassi, hot water is also available at the table.
As we always cook fresh, we would ask you to register by 10 am. You are welcome to do so by phone (+43 7732 455 76) or by email to
*There will be either a starter or a dessert.
Ayurvedic diet
What is so special about the "Ayurvedic diet"? We are sure it is the simple preparation with considerably more spices than you have used before. Spices are the natural enhancers of digestive power. They make food more digestible and less tiring.
You will find many recipes on our Ayurvedashop Hompage, ( these are exclusively vegetarian (but not vegan) with the aim that the dishes are not only light and easy to digest, but also cause no animal suffering.
The Ayurvedic menu composition
Ideally, each Ayurvedic meal contains all 6 flavours. At least the main dish of the meal should be cooked, ideally the raw food portion should only be a maximum of 10-20% of the whole meal, depending on the eater and the season.
For a meal to be truly complete, it should contain grains, vegetables, pulses, fruits (possibly in the form of a chutney), plenty of spices and some yoghurt or thin lassi.
Importance of spices
Spices can be used very individually and have a great influence on the character of a dish. This often seems difficult when you are first learning about Ayurvedic cooking. In this situation, ready-made spice mixtures can be of great help. The ready-made mixtures "Vata, Pitta or Kapha Churna" contain all 6 flavours (sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart), but in different concentrations. Vata Churna, for example, contains a sweet note that balances Vata well. Pitta Churna is dominated by cooling, very mild spices, while Kapha Churna, with its fiery, pungent flavour, has a stimulating effect on the rather sluggish Kapha metabolism.
In the beginning, use rather these ready-made mixtures until you know the individual flavours and spices better and can optimise the meals for you and your family with your individual spice compositions.
Register for lunch
Cooking classes at soma
An Ayurvedic menu, prepared in harmony with your personal needs, lives from the art of composition. The individual ingredients and courses are skilfully matched in taste, colour, consistency and method of preparation. The food smells pleasant, stimulates the appetite and contains all six flavours, rasas, which complement each other in a well-dosed way. Above all, an Ayurvedic menu is balanced and wholesome in every respect.
The way it is prepared and the combination of dishes make it particularly digestible and easy to digest. Together with our cook or Mrs. Schachinger you will conjure up a lunch menu and get to know the basics of Ayurvedic cooking.
Here you can find the current cooking course dates.