Abhyanga in the morning routine


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Abhyanga in the morning routine

The start takes up a lot of space in the classical Ayurvedic texts. Ayurveda and yoga attach great importance to starting all activities only when the mind and body are perfectly attuned to them.

The Ayurvedic morning routine sets the mood for the day. The day will be as happy and successful as I have prepared for it.

The preparation consists of several steps that should be followed with varying amounts of time.

The first step is to cleanse the oral cavity and relieve the bladder and gastrointestinal tract. Then the body should be oiled, followed by a water application (bath or shower). The next step is to activate the circulation and muscles with some physical exercises. The final step is mental preparation for the day: meditation and planning the day. If you are hungry, breakfast should lead into the day's activities.

 This all sounds like it would be impossible to manage. That's why you should only do as much of each of these recommended steps as you can fit in. All of these exercises take time, which you can only gain by getting up a little earlier. If you want to wake up early with a good night's sleep, you have to go to bed on time!

A central point of the Ayurvedic morning routine is external oiling. A complete oil massage can take between 5 and 10 minutes. If you want to invest less time on working days, only oil the forehead, neck, stomach, lower back and soles of the feet. The oil can be washed off in the shower after just a few minutes.

On weekends and days off, you should have a full-body oil massage (Abhyanga) at least once a week.

Abhyanga refers to a gentle oil massage. The word Abhyanga is often translated as "anointing". Literally, it describes a "movement towards the limbs" (Abhi = towards, Anga = limb). The soothing experience of Abhyanga strengthens the mind, body and self-healing powers.

For daily use at home, Abhyanga can be performed as a full-body massage or as a partial treatment, followed by a warm bath or shower.

Self-application of Abhyanga

The classical texts recommend applying Abhyanga daily. This is only possible as part of a self-oil massage. The body should be systematically massaged from head to toe with a little warmed oil. You can find instructions on how to do this in our video "Self oil massage".

Synchronised Abhyanga in soma

In Maharishi Ayurveda, all abhyangas are performed synchronously by 2 therapists as part of a Pancha Karma cleansing treatment. Women are only treated by women, men only by men. Synchronised therapy with 2 massage therapists is not only a unique experience, it is also particularly effective.

EEG measurements (electroencephalogram, brain wave measurement) show that the synchronised application causes the brain waves of the two hemispheres of the brain to align in their activity. This eliminates asymmetries in the mind-body system.

Abhyanga is soothing

Subjectively, an Abhyanga with 2 therapists is an extremely pleasant and soothing experience. The experience of this well-being is important for activating the body's self-healing powers. Well-being strengthens the ability to regenerate and the immune system. The classical texts describe the exact effects of Abhyanga. Read an extract from Astanga Hridaya, one of the "three great Ayurvedic classics", here.

Effects of Abhyanga

- Reduces fatigue and invigorates the body
- Cleanses and firms the skin, complexion and body tissue
- Reduces muscle and joint pain, makes the joints supple
- stabilises the circulation and creates a feeling of lightness in the body
- has a strengthening effect on the nervous system and improves vision
- improves sleep, reduces insomnia
- improves the mind's resistance to illness and pain
- improves self-confidence and willpower
- slows down the ageing process and rejuvenates prematurely aged tissue
- increases protection against wounds and injuries, improves the body's self-healing powers and immune defence

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