Advent and Lockdown - Advantage or Disadvantage?


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Advent and Lockdown - Advantage or Disadvantage?

This weekend is the first Sunday of Advent.

Advent - time to reflect. Time for silence, a withdrawal into oneself. Nature leads the way: it withdraws to gather strength for spring.

This is how Advent could succeed in the Lockdown.

It is dark, cold and inhospitable. Nature makes the best of it. She retreats and now keeps things to a minimum. This is the annual preparation for spring. Then it re-enters the stage of active life with incredible power and beauty.

We are now experiencing an involuntary lockdown. Lockdown for everyone in Austria. How can we make the most of this time? How powerful will our spring be after the involuntary lockdown?

The contact restrictions and reduction of activities are not undisputed but they are a reality. How can we make the best of it?

Silence helps to redefine goals

For life to succeed, we need goals. According to Ayurveda, each person is born with unique abilities, possibilities and tasks. These abilities and tasks are imprinted in a deep level of our personality. We can only perceive them if we listen undisturbed within. Then they open up to us step by step.

Never before has humanity been exposed to such intense external influences as today. Today we have to process more information in a short time than generations before us did in a lifetime. This information is accompanied by constant noise and din, which effectively distracts us from our inner self.

Let's use the unwanted restrictions to listen more within!

What does good is good

How can we trust that we will find our true abilities and tasks? The sages of various cultures unanimously say: If you do something that brings you joy and makes you content, that is good for you and other people, and if you can do this with and for people you love, then you are on the right path.

Courage for new paths

When you realise that it is right for you to go new ways, then fear is sure to come. Can I do this? Can I live from it? What will others say?

When you embark on a new path, it is always necessary to say goodbye to old habits, activities and fellow human beings. We have to pay this price in order to be able to reach a new, more fulfilling level of life.

Maharishi Ayurveda helps

In Ayurveda, times of rest, retreat and purification are provided for everyone. They serve the progress of life, which consists of the steps of rest and activity.

Most of the time we do not have to worry about activity, there is enough of it.

How can we make positive use of silence? Here are some tips:

  • Transcendental meditation - immerse yourself in silence for 15 - 20 minutes twice a day (information at: or
  • Sleep: especially restful before midnight! A sleep ritual can help you to fall asleep quickly and sleep well through the night.
  • Oil massage: especially soothing and balancing in winter. Warm herbal oils and clarifying scents simply do you good!
  • Soothing herbs: MA1401 Vata Balance, MA1693 and many more. Our staff will be happy to advise you.
  • Yoga and breathing exercises: can be practised at home in all weathers and enhance the effect of stillness.
  • The webinar "Health NOW" gives you exactly the knowledge that helps you to reorient your life.


Instead of fighting the inevitable, we should use it to our advantage. Nature uses the standstill of winter for regeneration in order to grow powerfully in spring.

You too can use winter and lockdown to go within and recognise your talents and energy reserves, nurture them and harness them for the time after retreat.

Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (1)

  • Ilse Burger schrieb am 02.12.2021

    Liebes Ayurveda-Team,

    ich möchte mich ganz herzlich für euren Newsletter bedanken, er ist jedesmal sehr interessant - ganz besonders schätze ich auch die Intervierws- jeder Hinweis, der darin enthalten ist, dient zum Wohle des Lesers! Auch unser Gesundheitsminister könnte hier sehr viel lernen! Vielen Dank für die Arbeit, die dahintersteckt! Euer Newsletter ist der einzige, auf den ich mich jedesmal freue und der zu meinem Wohle ist!

    Liebe Grüße
    Ilse Burger

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