Alzheimer's and dementia


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Alzheimer's and dementia

Do you know someone who has Alzheimer's dementia? This disease brings people to a frightening, pitiful state. While at the beginning they were largely physically fit, their mental abilities rapidly deteriorate to the point of complete disorientation and helplessness with a decline in personality. Currently, about 100,000 people in Austria are affected by dementia - and the number is rising rapidly. According to statistics, there will be 300,000 people affected by 2050, that is every 7th person over 60 years of age!

Scientists fail to find an Alzheimer's drug

In recent years, almost all pharmaceutical companies have given up their multi-billion dollar search for THE Alzheimer's drug. Despite costly searches, no single chemical agent has been found that significantly influences the development or course of dementia.

Causes and symptoms

Many causes - one disease

In his research paper , the American researcher Prof. Bredesen says that there are 36 different causes of dementia. The causes range from nutrition to chronic inflammation and poisoning to lack of exercise. He says very vividly that a roof with 36 holes will not become tight if you patch only one hole. The rain destroys the house through the other 35 holes! The German molecular biologist Dr Michael Nehls comes to a very similar conclusion in his research. Just like Prof. Bredesen, he also says that Alzheimer's dementia is reversible, i.e. curable, in the early stages. As a result of his scientific research, Dr. Nehls recommends some changes in lifestyle: regular exercise, relaxation, a simple diet, several nutritional supplements and specific care for social contacts.

Medical causes

Both authors find three medical causes for dementia. For this disease to occur, a disposition must be present. Alzheimer's patients in the family history can be an important indicator for such a predisposition to the disease. However, Alzheimer's disease also occurs in previously unaffected families. From a medical point of view, there are three causes that can act as disease triggers if there is a corresponding disposition:

  1. Vital substance deficiency
  2. Chronic (silent) inflammation
  3. Toxins such as heavy metals or other environmental toxins

How do I recognise a risk for dementia?

Dementia disease begins insidiously and takes years to develop into its full-blown form. The first sign of an incipient disease is the subjective feeling of forgetting more than before. This is called "subjective cognitive impairment". In psychological tests, the result is usually still inconspicuous; blood tests can reveal deficiencies of certain vital substances. This first stage often only leads after years to the second phase, the "mild cognitive impairment", in which clear deficiencies in memory tests and also changes in imaging procedures such as MRI are already recognisable. In the further stages of the disease's development, there are increasingly severe losses in memory performance with increasing loss of everyday competence, personality changes such as depressive moods and destruction of brain substance. Sooner or later, this leads to a complete need for care and nursing. Up to stage 2, the "mild cognitive impairment", the disease process is reversible if one makes serious changes to one's life. Once the brain is destroyed in a later stage, there is no way back.

The Ayurvedic perspective

From the Maharishi Ayurvedic perspective, dementia can develop when deposits of ama (undigested food residues) block the information channels in the brain. This picture fits very well with the understanding of modern medicine, which sees deposits of "amyloid", a protein body, as the cause of the increasing destruction of the brain. Wherever ama (here in the form of amyloid) is deposited, the nourishing body fluid ojas can no longer work. The nerve cells surrounded by amyloid starve and die. Two processes are of utmost importance for the elimination of ama and the production of ojas: regular purification and the experience of deep stillness in Transcendental Meditation.


If there is a subjective impairment of memory, one should immediately begin to clarify the causes. Are vital substances missing? Is there a chronic inflammation or poisoning?

We can get to the bottom of all this in our practice.

We carry out diagnostic measures within the framework of "Alzheimer's therapy according to Nehls (ATnN):

  • Alzheimer's diagnostics (differential diagnostics together with neurologists)
  • Determination of individual risk factors

And combine these with the knowledge of Maharishi Ayurveda. This results in the creation of an individual and varied therapy plan based on the 5 pillars of health. We start with detoxification and dietary changes, an exercise programme and meditation as a relaxation technique. Taking nutritional supplements, vitamins and natural medicines to compensate for deficiencies is an important part of the therapy programme. A rethinking of life goals should lead to a reorientation. Embedding oneself in an active social network of family members and friends helps to free oneself from the isolation one gets into due to the mental limitations.

Early start of therapy is important!

The earlier therapy begins at the first subjective symptoms of "forgetfulness", the more likely a complete cure is. But even with advanced dementia diseases, the therapy according to Nehls and Bredesen, extended by effective Ayurvedic measures, makes sense. The disease may no longer be completely cured, but stopping it at a tolerable level is a great help for those affected and their relatives. We are happy to advise you when it comes to your mental health and youthfulness!


Sources: Literatur: Bredesen „Die Alzheimer-Revolution“ mvg Verlag Dr. Michael Nehls „Die Formel gegen Alzheimer“ Heine Verlag

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