Dosha-specific measures for PMS and menstruation
In the last newsletter we described 8 tips for balancing premenstrual symptoms (PMS). Today, read how an imbalance of Vata, Pitta or Kapha influences PMS and menstrual cramps and what specific measures there are for each Dosha.
Why does PMS occur? - Ayurvedic view
From the Ayurvedic perspective, stress is one of the main causes of PMS. Stress causes the body's energy, which causes downward secretions and is called Apana Vata, to work in a different direction. Stress processing is caused by Prana Vata. When the stress is intense, the energy for stress processing in Prana Vata is not enough. Apana Vata, which is located in the pelvis, makes its energy available to Prana Vata, which is located in the head. This makes it easier to process stress, but Apana Vata no longer has enough energy to fulfil its tasks in the abdomen. This often results in a hormonal imbalance, which then leads to painful disturbances before and during menstruation.
Why does PMS occur? - Biochemical view
From the point of view of modern biochemistry, the process is quite similar. The hormone progesterone is mainly produced in the genital tract (corresponds to Apana Vata). It provides relaxation, rest and regeneration. When stress is intense, the body "borrows" progesterone to produce stress hormones (cortisol) in the adrenal gland. This process is controlled by the pineal gland (corresponds to Prana Vata).
Consequences of progesterone deficiency
Due to the stress-related conversion of progesterone into cortisol, less relaxing progesterone is available to the lower abdominal organs and the psyche. The result is the typical discomfort and mood swings before menstruation and pain during menstruation. The lack of progesterone gives the counterpart oestrogen a dominance that fuels these complaints.
Depending on the predominant dosha in the constitution, there are slightly different complaints.
Vata dominance
Typical complaints before menstruation:
- Nervousness
- Mood swings
- Sadness and worry
- Sleep interruptions (typically 2 - 4 o'clock)
- Forgetfulness
- Constipation
Discomfort during menstruation:
- Back pain
- Cramps
- Prolonged bleeding
- Dark, lumpy blood
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Recommendations for Vata dominance
- Vata-balancing diet with nutritious cooked food.
- Mildly spiced
- Reduce caffeinated drinks (coffee, black tea), alcohol
- Prefer warm, heavy, oily foods
- Reduce cold, dry, raw foods
- In addition, one teaspoon of ghee or coconut oil before sleeping (one week before to the end of menstruation)
- Teas: Vata tea, liquorice or fennel tea
Ayurvedic supplements:
- Shatavari tablets
- Energy plus capsules (our new own product, highly recommended)
- For nervousness Brahmi Tablets or MA1401 Vata Balance
Daily routine:
- Time for breaks
- Abhyanga especially on the days before menstruation
- Warm compresses or poultices for pain or cramps
Pitta dominance
Typical complaints before menstruation:
- Irritability and anger
- Cravings
- Headaches
- Heat and sweating
- Diarrhoea
- Acne
Discomfort during menstruation:
- Heavy bleeding
- Shorter menstrual interval
- Bright red, thin blood
Recommendations for Pitta dominance
Pitta-balancing diet with cooling quality
Do not skip meals
Prefer the tastes sweet, bitter and tart, liquid and not too hot food
Reduce tastes of sour, salty and spicy foods
Avoid irritants such as alcohol, caffeinated drinks and sour milk products such as yoghurt and cheese
Teas: Pitta tea or our Pitta Detox tea with liquorice, fennel, coriander and cumin
Ayurvedic food supplements:
- Energy plus capsules
- Turmeric Capsules
- For acne MADK2
Daily routine:
- Moderate activities, avoid sports just before and on the heaviest days of menstruation except yoga asanas and walks.
- Abhyanga with coconut oil or Pitta massage oil
- Ghee or Ksheer Bala oil 1 drop in each nostril in the morning and during the day
Kapha dominance
Typical complaints before menstruation
- Weight gain
- Water retention
- (Painful) swelling of the breasts
- Distended abdomen
Complaints during menstruation:
- Fatigue
- Stiff back and joints
- Mucous discharge
Recommendations for Kapha dominance
- Kapha-balancing diet with stimulating spices.
- Prefer spicy, bitter and tart tastes
- Particularly light diet with little fat and raw vegetables
- Reduce sweet, sour and salty tastes and avoid snacks and sugary drinks at all costs.
- Avoid sweets, sour milk products, meat dishes before and during menstruation
- Teas: Kapha tea and Ayush Kwath
Ayurvedic food supplements:
- Energy plus capsules
- Trikatu MA99 powder
- Women's Rasayana MA347
Daily routine:
- Daily moderate exercise (walks)
- Garshan massage in the week before menstruation
- MP16 Nasya oil 1 drop in each nostril in the morning and during the day
PMS and menstrual cramps affect many women. The main influencing factors are stress and emotional strain, which lead to oestrogen dominance. Depending on the leading Dosha, this leads to different complaints. Specific measures for women with Vata, Pitta and Kapha constitutions help to prevent PMS and make menstruation bearable.
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