soma, how it all began - part 1 What is Maharishi Ayurveda?


soma, how it all began - part 1 What is Maharishi Ayurveda?

soma was in the process of construction as of 2020. However, the idea has been around for a very long time. Only the insiders around Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger know the whole story about it. Therefore, we decided to create a small history series and tell how it came to this project.

Part 1 | soma, the new center for Maharishi Ayurveda - what is Maharishi Ayurveda?

"What is Ayurveda?" No one knew in Europe around 1980. A few people interested in yoga and Indian culture had some idea, but experts in the field did not exist outside of India. This was to change, if the ideas of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi were anything to go by.

Maharishi had left India in 1958 to make his simple and effective "Transcendental Meditation" known worldwide as a practical method to overcome personal suffering and find happiness, and to give the world a path to greater peace.

In 1968, Maharishi became abruptly world famous when the Beatles and well-known Hollywood stars attended and promoted his meditation courses.

In the mid-1980s, in addition to meditation, Maharishi began to promote Ayurveda as a natural path to good health. He was assisted in globalizing Ayurveda , which until that time had only regional significance in India, by India's most famous Ayurvedic physicians. His vision was to make possible a "disease-free society" through the global application of Ayurveda.

To ensure that Ayurveda is applied holistically, with all its possible therapeutic methods from meditation to yoga and from medicinal herbs to cleansing cures, the term "Maharishi Ayurveda" was coined.

Especially in the German-speaking world, Ayurveda quickly gained a foothold and convinced many people of its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic diseases and in active health care.

Today there is hardly anyone in our country who does not know the term Ayurveda. Nevertheless, much remains to be done to exploit the full potential of Maharishi Ayurveda in combination with the knowledge and methods of modern medicine for the benefit of mankind.

How did Ayurveda come to the Innviertel?

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