Training of our Maharishi Ayurveda therapists


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Training of our Maharishi Ayurveda therapists

From 25 April to 7 May, the trainers and instructors of our Maharishi Ayurveda therapists were guests in the new soma house for the first time. The two-week training course took place in the rooms of our therapy department.

The special thing about the treatments in our Ayurveda therapy is that two therapists always treat one patient synchronously, i.e. in complete agreement. This is very demanding for the therapists, who have to be 100% present at all times during a treatment, which can last an hour, in order to maintain the synchronicity.

Learning new applications

In these 2 weeks, the subtleties of the basic course of November/December 2021 were repeated and consolidated, as well as new forms of therapy were learned.

Newly learned forms of treatment include Vishesh (synchronous deep pressure massage), Pizzichil (synchronous oil jet bath) and Takradhara (cooling head treatment with buttermilk and medicinal herbs). These treatments are particularly pleasant and effective for our patients, but also particularly demanding for our therapists.


This massage is especially appreciated by people with Kapha or Pitta nature, because the quite strong pressure of the massage pushes away the hardenings in muscles and connective tissue and loosens deep-seated tensions. This application is also particularly good for firming the connective tissue in the case of cellulite.


After a preparatory gentle full-body synchronous massage, the body is pampered with warm oil pours. Two therapists pour the soothing warm oil jet synchronously and systematically over the entire body - up and down, up and down... The oil jet is constantly warmed up during the course of the approximately one-hour treatment, which leads to a therapeutically desired overheating of the entire body. This leads to intensified blood circulation in the connective tissue, joints and inner organs, which results in an effective removal of old metabolic waste products. These also become visible towards the end of the treatment: the initially clear oil becomes opaque and cloudy at the end of the treatment.

This application is particularly effective for all musculoskeletal disorders associated with pain and stiffness.


Do you know this: hot head, cold hands and feet? Do you often suffer from this?

Then we now have the solution for you: Takradhara! Here, cooling sour milk mixed with relaxing and nourishing medicinal herbs is applied in a gentle forehead cast. At the same time, the body, especially the extremities, are treated with warming oils.

The result is amazing. The overheated head, constantly overloaded with thoughts, cools down, hands and feet become really warm. Inner peace, clear gentle thoughts and a pleasantly warmed body are the result.

You can find all our treatments and prices here

Training completed

"With these 3 traditional Ayurvedic massage techniques, we have learned more extremely effective applications that give our spa guests, patients unique experiences of well-being, balance and energy," says Markus Gruber, one of our therapists. "We can thus effectively treat an even wider range of imbalances and support even more of our patients on the path to good health."

The eagerness of our therapists to learn was great. In the end, they were all able to pass the final exam. On the open day, all participants received a certificate.

Certificates are presented to the therapists
Certificates are presented to the therapists

We look forward to your feedback!

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You can find the products mentioned on our website in the Maharishi Ayurveda GmbH online shop.

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