Lemon essential oil


Barbara Treiblmaier

Lemon essential oil

Natural lemon essential oil is obtained by pressing the fruit peel, the essential oil is stored in small oil containers (oil glands) in the peel of the citrus fruit. Especially with citrus oils it is important to pay attention to organic quality as well as freshness. To be able to extract one liter of essential oil, the peels of about 3000 lemons are needed.

The fact that lemons are an extremely healthy food was already known to the historical seafarers, who took large loads of lemons with them on their voyages of discovery to protect themselves from scurvy. This effect is mainly due to their high vitamin C content. But lemons have much more to offer.

The essential oil has antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It can contribute to calming on a psychological level

Lemon oil has a refreshing and cleansing effect. The fresh, invigorating, yet also calming scent of lemon is ideal for improving indoor air. Lemon essential oil conveys freshness, cleanliness and creates a pleasant indoor climate due to its air purifying effect.

Tip: Lemon essential oil supports learning and working, as it stimulates memory, promotes concentration and has a balancing and calming effect on nervousness, test anxiety and stress.

Note: Lemon oil has a photosensitizing effect, which means that the light sensitivity of the skin is increased. Thus, you should be careful with the use of lemon oil on the skin in strong sunlight.

Blends for fragrance lamp/diffuser - room size about 20-24 m².

Refreshing mixture for summer (makes the room climate seem cooler):

3 tr. lemon oil

2 tr. fir oil (silver fir)

Mixture cold season:

2 tr. lemon oil

2 tr. Ravintsara

Blend Summer Feeling:

3 tr. lemon oil

2 tr. orange oil

Concentration Blend:

2 tr. lemon oil

2 tr. rosemary oil off.

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