Annual Product 2020 - Amrit Kalash

Amrit Kalash - the Ayurvedic Rasayana


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Annual Product 2020 - Amrit Kalash

Amrit Kalash - the Ayurvedic Rasayana

Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains 42 different plants and medicinal herbs, including rare plants from remote rainforests and the mountains of the Himalayas. 22 kilograms of raw mixture of herbs, fruits and other natural ingredients make one kilogram of ready-to-eat rasayana Maharishi Amrit Kalash MA 4.

Over 3,000 quality-conscious staff have been carefully trained by Maharishi Ayurveda Products International to correctly identify the medicinal herbs and fruits in the wild.

  • and fruits in the wild,

  • to harvest at the prescribed time, which can greatly enhance the beneficial properties of the plants,

  • to harvest in the prescribed manner; for example, the Amalaki fruit must be picked at the correct state of ripeness, rather than collected from the ground (it is only approved for use in Maharishi Amrit Kalash by this laborious, little-practised harvesting method),

  •  to be processed in such a way as to preserve the potency and biological intelligence of the plants,

  •  to be handpicked and only the best qualities used.

Effective antioxidant from pure nature

Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains an extraordinarily high concentration of antioxidant substances and surpasses the antioxidant effectiveness of the well-known antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene or vitamin E many times over.

The pure natural product Maharishi Amrit Kalash contains many different antioxidants that support each other in their effect. The fruit of AMALAKI (lat. Emblica officinalis) alone, which is called the "divine healing plant" in Ayurvedic texts, would fill pages if one wanted to describe only its most important positive properties. HARITAKI (lat. Terminalia Chebula), the second main ingredient of Amrit Kalash, is praised in almost all Ayurvedic textbooks and described by Charaka (classical Ayurvedic author) as "nourishing and useful to everyone like mother's milk".

Ancient wisdom meets modern food technology

Let us reflect for a moment on the evolution of an ancient, long-hidden original recipe into Maharishi Amrit Kalash of consistently high quality, available worldwide. How were the ingredients described thousands of years ago? How was a preparation temperature, a harvest time determined? How were potencies or ingredients specified?

Maharishi Ayurveda hat bei der „Übersetzung“ alter ayurvedischer Texte Pionierarbeit geleistet. Erfahrene Vaidyas aus ganz Indien, Ärzte und Wissenschaftler erforschen seit über 30 Jahren die überlieferten Formeln zur Herstellung ayurvedischer Nahrungsergänzungen. Die reichen Früchte ihrer Arbeit verdanken Sie den großen Ayurveda-Weisen, deren Überlieferungen präzise und systematisch verfasst wurden und bereits vielfach mit modernen wissenschaftlichen Methoden bestätigt werden konnten.

We look forward to your feedback!