Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene


Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene

Beautiful teeth are attractive. This is quite natural, because healthy teeth and clean breath have always been considered an expression of vitality and beauty. Preventive dental care and intensive oral hygiene are important for your health. In the Ayurvedic texts, this holistic connection is described in detail. There we also find valuable, easy-to-use recommendations for "fresh breath and healthy teeth - for life!"An example from the original records:

"Mouth rinsing with oil prevents dryness of the throat and lips, protects the teeth and strengthens the gums." - Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthan 5, 78-80

For this mouthwash, take a tablespoon of matured sesame oil (heated once briefly to 100° C), rinse your mouth with it for a short while and then suck the oil between your teeth for 2-3 minutes. Do not swallow the oil, as deposits and harmful germs from the mouth area are now dissolved in it, but spit it out (not into the sink, as the oil can clog the drain).

Such a mouthwash cares for the mouth and throat and, when used regularly, is said to effectively prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.A natural way to keep the breath fresh, according to Ayurvedic scriptures, is to chew spices after meals. For example, take anise and fennel seeds, cardamom and clove. These spices not only have a cleansing and disinfecting effect, but also taste good and stimulate digestion.

"Deposits that form at the root of the tongue impair the sense of taste and lead to bad breath. The tongue should therefore be cleaned regularly." - Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthan 5, 75

Ayurveda places special emphasis on cleaning the tongue in the morning. It is best to take a special metal tongue cleaner for this. This cleaning takes only a few seconds, but has a good effect on your overall well-being.The Federal Dental Association (Germany) explains on this subject that bacterial coatings and food residues settle on the tongue, which not only affect the fine taste buds on the tongue, but can also be the cause of bad breath.

A study in Toronto found that cleaning the tongue reduces foul gas and bad breath by about 75%, while the usual dental cleaning only manages about 25%. Mechanical removal of microorganisms thus plays a key role in fighting bad breath. In addition, it can, similar to tooth brushing, help to reduce the individual caries risk and strengthen dental health, according to the North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. According to Ayurvedic texts, the following steps are recommended for daily oral care:

  1. Clean your teeth with Ayurdent toothpaste or with Ayurdent tooth powder.
  2. Then remove the coating on your tongue with a special metal tongue cleaner.
  3. Rinse your mouth with 1 tablespoon of "matured" sesame oil for a few minutes.
  4. Finally, freshen your breath with Ayurdent mouthwash; it can also be used during the day for in between.

Ayurdent, the 100% natural oral hygiene range with the triple plus:

  • holistically designed
  • based on traditionally handed-down herbal recipes
  • Controlled natural cosmetics, certified according to BDIH

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