energy through the summer


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

energy through the summer

We are experiencing the second heat wave this summer in Central Europe. Pitta, the fire principle, is accumulating more and more. It is typical that Pitta increases most towards the end of the Pitta season (August, September).

As beautiful as it may be to experience unclouded summer weather, it is stressful for many people. Pitta people feel tired and weakened, Vata people dry out and Kapha people have to sweat an incredible amount.

5 Subfunctions of Pitta

The classical texts give 5 sub-functions for each of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The sub-functions of Pitta are called: Pachaka (the digesting), Ranjaka (the colouring and transforming), Sadhaka (the satisfier), Alochaka (the seeing) and Bhrajaka (the shining).

When pachaka is in balance, we have good appetite and strong digestive power. When pachaka is imbalanced due to heat, appetite is lacking and heavy food cannot be digested. We notice this on hot days: the hunger at noon is less strong and we have a need for light food.

Ranjaka in balance causes important metabolic processes and the synthesis of vital substances for our tissues. External heat also causes too much "liver heat". This makes the metabolism inefficient and fatigue develops.

Sadhaka leads to good mood and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Too much heat can weaken the heart and circulation, and blood pressure can be derailed upwards or downwards. The mood can easily tip towards irritability.

Bright sunlight is a strain on alochaka, whose normal function leads to clear vision, hormonal balance and good bio-rhythms. Easily, if not protected from the glare of the sun, the eyes can become overworked. Too much heat also leads to fatigue during the day and can disturb night sleep.

Bhrajaka-Pitta in balance causes normal functioning of the skin. It is now common knowledge how dangerous repeated sunburns can be.


If you want to stay healthy in external heat, you need to protect yourself and take cooling measures. Read in our further article which simple and natural means you can use to beat the heat.

Enjoy the summer - keep cool!


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