Healthy through the holidays - 10 tips


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Healthy through the holidays - 10 tips

Holidays are important. Eating, drinking and socialising together during the holidays is one of the most important ingredients for a happy life. Nevertheless, during the festive season we tend to go overboard with food and drink and leave the regularity of everyday life behind. Too many and unfamiliar foods and drinks put stress on our digestive fire Agni and lead to the formation of waste - Ama. Unprocessed ama is THE breeding ground for disease and can have a variety of consequences from loss of appetite to stiff joints, digestive irregularities, mucus and allergic reactions to obesity.

Just as we take care to keep our homes well-warmed during the holidays, we should also take care of the efficiency of our digestive fire. Here are some tips for healthy holidays.

1.     main meal at noon

At lunchtime (12-14pm), the digestive fire is at its strongest. Also during the holidays, make sure you eat your main meal at lunchtime and not in the evening to make the most of the bio-rhythm. If you eat a more substantial meal in the evening, the time between meals and bedtime should be at least 2-3 hours.

2.     regular meals

Ayurveda recommends 2-3 meals per day. Our body functions most efficiently when it can move within its usual bio-rhythms. Therefore, avoid major deviations from your usual meal times.

3.     do not overeat!

This is certainly the most difficult to follow during the holidays. However, if you maintain your habit of eating slowly and chewing well, it will be easy for you to feel your satiety point and stop eating in time. Enjoy your festive meals! But don't forget to listen to your body while doing so.

4.     herbal supplements

Despite all mindfulness, it can happen that you eat too much or the wrong thing. Then it is good to have your turmeric capsules and your Magenrasayana MA575 within reach and take them after a meal. The liver and stomach say "thank you".

5.     Avoid ice cold drinks in winter.

Ice cold drinks with food or ice desserts can severely disturb Agni - the digestive fire. Drink room-warm or hot drinks with your meal even during the holidays and save your ice cream for next summer!

6.     Eat 6 flavours

Does your festive menu include all flavours? The holidays are often dominated by "sweet", and the sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart flavours come up short. If these are missing, even a large portion will not make us full and satisfied. Therefore, make sure to replace missing tastes with spices and the spice blends Vata-, Pitta-, or Kapha-Churna.

7.     pauses between meals

Everything in nature functions according to the law of rest and activity. Your digestive system also needs breaks - at least 5 hours between meals during the day, at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast.

8.     don't forget exercise

The more you move, the stronger your digestive fire will be. Keep turning off the TV and computer, put your book aside, take your loved ones under your arm and get briskly out into the fresh winter air. Get at least 1 hour of outdoor exercise a day during the holidays! And you know: there is no such thing as bad weather, there is only unsuitable equipment.

9.     regularity

Regular meals are important. But sleep and regeneration times should not be neglected during the holidays either. Young people in particular tend to go to bed extremely late at the holidays and sleep long into the day. This behaviour disturbs the natural bio-rhythms and prevents the actual purpose of the holidays: recovery from the stress of studies and work. Therefore, during the holidays, make sure you get enough sleep before midnight!

10.  fix your next cleansing cure

With the turn of the year, many people outdo themselves with great resolutions. Keep it simple! Give your body the gift of relief and fix a date for yourself to do your first or next herbal cleansing. Or register now for our webinar "Guided Herbal Detox" during Lent or "Happy Slim" during Easter.


With these tips, we wish you a happy and restful Christmas holiday and a happy new year.

We look forward to your feedback!