Rasa - body tissue for good health part 1


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Rasa - body tissue for good health part 1

Do you sometimes feel a little puffy or stiff in the morning or evening? Do you notice that your shoes get tight when you sit for longer periods of time? Do you notice that your head is not clear when you sleep too short or too long? All these are signs that the lymph flow is not in order. Ayurveda distinguishes 7 body tissues, the first of which is rasa or lymph. On the composition and circulation of rasa or lymph depends the supply of nutrients to all other cells and tissues of the body.

Rasa - in modern medicine and Ayurveda

Rasa or lymph is associated with kapha dosha. Ayurvedic recommendations for spring are aimed at balancing kapha. To achieve this, the lymph needs to be cleansed and energized.

If you are swollen or dehydrated, the lymph flow in your body is not right. What can you do to get your lymph flowing?

In modern medicine, the body's cells in particular are of great importance. The fact that all cells are surrounded by a so-called basic substance by which they are nourished was brought to the attention of the world of science by the Austrian researchers Prof. Pischinger and Prof. Bergsmann in the 1980s. They called this fluid that connects everything with everything in the body the basic substance. The composition of this fluid is crucial for the health of the whole organism. The basic substance distributes vital substances throughout the body. It is also responsible for the removal of substances that are rejected as waste during the regeneration of cells. When an organ is diseased, toxic substances such as bacterial toxins can be absorbed into the basic substance and distributed throughout the body. This is the reason why a diseased organ (e.g. an impacted tooth) can cause feelings of sickness throughout the body.

Lymph or Rasa in Ayurvedic Medicine

It is not for nothing that lymph is given the highest importance in the classical texts. The nutrient fluid that washes around all the cells of the body, supplying them with nutrients and disposing of their waste, is extremely important for well-being and health. According to Ayurveda, Rasa obtains vital substances from the intestines and transports cellular waste to the intestines.

What causes a good function of Rasa (lymph)?

The proper functioning of the lymph is crucial for many bodily functions. First of all for the distribution of vital substances and for the detoxification of the body.

Digestion and detoxification - Immune system

Rasa (lymph) originates in the intestines. When the digestive system is overloaded by food intolerances (leaky gut), undigested substances enter the body, disturbing the immune system, 80% of which is located in the intestine. This leads to an increased susceptibility to chronic inflammations, infections and autoimmune diseases.

Skin and mucous membranes

When the lymph is burdened by toxic substances that are not eliminated through the intestines, this very often leads to chronic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Many eczemas and allergies have their origin here.

Cardiovascular system

If the lymph is overloaded by toxic substances, this also affects the cardiovascular system. The thickened and viscous lymph fluid causes edema and fluid retention, and in the long term, congested veins and varicose veins. Metabolic waste products are then not eliminated, but remain in joints, muscles and connective tissue. This is also the origin of many rheumatic diseases.

Brain and nervous system

Only recently have researchers discovered that the brain and spinal cord are traversed by their own lymphatic system, called the glymphatic system. This system rids the brain of metabolic waste during sleep. If we don't sleep enough, the brain's self-cleansing system functions inadequately, which can lead to deterioration of memory and emotional balance, and in the long term, dementia.


Studies show that 6-8 hours of sleep are necessary for the glymphatic system to do its job. If this is not the case for years, especially the most dangerous of all nerve toxins, amyloid, is not removed. Amyloid deposits in the brain sooner or later lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Emotional and vegetative balance

According to Ayurveda, a load of Rasa (lymph) with waste products (Ama = undigested matter) causes clear thinking to become clouded. But not only cognitive functions are impaired, emotions can also get out of control due to a lymphatic system loaded with ama. From an Ayurvedic point of view, both depression and psychiatric illnesses have their roots in the toxin-laden lymphatic system.


Im Verdauungssystem wird aus der Nahrung das erste Körpergewebe gebildet. Es wird als Rasa bezeichnet und ist die lymphatische Nährsubstanz des ganzen Körpers, das alle zellulären Gewebe nährt und aufrechterhält. Gute Gesundheit ist nur dann möglich, wenn durch hochwertige Nährstoffe und ein perfekt funktionierendes Verdauungssystem vollwertiges Rasa gebildet wird. Dann werden Immunsystem, Haut, Schleimhäute, Herz-Kreislauf-System und Nervensystem optimal versorgt. Das führt zu stabilem geistigem und körperlichem Wohlbefinden.

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