Newsmeldungen mit dem Tag "Dosha"

 Healthy and happy through the Vata time

Healthy and happy through the Vata time

Autumn has arrived: cool and changeable weather, dry leaves, wind and first frosty nights. Nature retreats and prepares for renewal. What happens in nature also happens in our...

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 Healthy and happy through the Vata time

Healthy and happy through the Vata time

31.10.19 - Autumn has arrived: cool and changeable weather, dry leaves, wind and first frosty nights. Nature retreats and prepares for renewal. What happens in nature also happens in our...

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 6 tips for a strong immune system

6 tips for a strong immune system

Are you also one of the people who suffer from infections during the cold season? Have you already thought about how to protect yourself from colds in the coming cold season?...

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 6 tips for a strong immune system

6 tips for a strong immune system

15.10.17 - Are you also one of the people who suffer from infections during the cold season? Have you already thought about how to protect yourself from colds in the coming cold season?...

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