Our Biogena range


Sabrina Schachinger

Our Biogena range

Our Biogena range includes the products shown in the list. Availability in our warehouse depends on demand, please contact us if you cannot find a product in our online shop. We will also be happy to order other Biogena products for you.

I can't find any Biogena products on the Ayurvedashop site?!

You cannot find any Biogena products https://www.ayurvedashop.at/nahrungsergaenzungen/orthomolekulare-produkte/? Then please log in.
We have an agreement with the Biogena company to make the Biogena range available to registered customers only. Please log in with your user and click again on Orthomolecular Products in the category Dietary Supplements. Now you can also see all Biogena products. You can also search for specific Biogena products in the search bar at the top right (but only if you are logged in). However, we will also be happy to order products that are not in stock - to do so, please email versand@ayurvedashop.at or call us on 07752/88110!

What does the Biogena company do?

Biogena Naturprodukte GmbH & Co Kg is located in Salzburg, Freilassing and Vienna and is an Austrian family business. The company produces food supplements and micronutrients in Austria according to the pure substance principle. It focuses on the sustainability of raw materials and sets the highest quality standards for itself and its products. Furthermore, Biogena does not only want to develop high-quality products, but also to inform the customer in the field of health and well-being.

AC 7 Komplex, 180 Kps., 134 g
A-D-E-K Vitamine, 60 Kps., 22 g
AH & Glutamin Formula®, 60 Kps., 28 g
AK-Haut Formula, 60 Kps., 34 g
Alpha-Lipon-Säure 200, 60. Kps., 14 g
Amino Abendtrunk®, 30 Sticks., 150 g
Androfertil Basis, 60 Kps., 51 g
Antistress Formula®, 60 Kps., 44 g
Arthro Formula® 4 Gold, 180. Kps., 189 g
Arthro Formula® 4 Gold, 90 Kps., 94 g
Arthro UMP Lumbal Gold, 60 Kps., 42 g
Aufbau Formula A Aminosäurekomplex, 180. Kps., 149 g
Aufbau Formula A Aminosäurenkomplex, 60 Kps., 49 g
B12/Folsäure, 120 Kps., 21 g
Basogena® 5 energetisiert, 30 Sachet, 120 g
Basogena® 5e Basenpulver, 250 g
Bor 3 mg, 120. Kps., 37 g
Brain Energy, 60 Kps., 11 g
Calcin 250, 90 Kps., 86 g
CalMaCit, 90 Kps., 82 g
Chlorella Pur, 120 Kps., 60 g
Chlorellapur C Plus, 120 Kps., 65 g
Chrom 200, 60 Kps., 10 g
Coenzym Q10 60 mg Bioident, 60 Kps., 9 g
Coenzym Q10 Active Gold Ubiquinol 60mg, 120 Kps., 46 g
Coenzym Q10 Active Gold Ubiquinol 60mg, 60 Kps., 23 g
Cogno Formula®, 60. Kps., 40 g
Colostrum, 90 Kps., 35 g
Curcuma 500, 60 Kps., 39 g
DAOZym®, 60 Kps., 37 g
D-Biotin Formula, 60 Kps., 15 g
DoloZym®, 90 Kps., 41 g
Erdensalz® Mineralien, 60 Kps., 45 g
Folsäure 800, 60 Kps., 23 g
Gaba 500, 90 Kps., 58 g
Ginkgo 80 Forte, 60 Kps.
Glanduplex energetisiert, 90 Kps., 90 g
Griffonia50 Serolution®, 180 Kps., 102 g
Griffonia50 Serolution®, 60 Kps., 34 g
Hanf Formula CBD 15, 60 Kps., 23 g
Helicobacter Control, 60 Kps., 19 g
Homocystein Formula, 90 Kps., 14 g
Junior Auslgeich Formula + CoQ10, 120 Kps., 58 g
Junior Omni Lactis 6, Pulver, 60 g
Kalium & Magnesium & GL2000, 180 g
Kalium- & Magnesiumcitrat energetisiert, 90 Kapseln, 90 g
Kalium- & Magnesiumcitrat, 90 Kps., 90 g
KPU Formula, 60. Kps., 36 g
KPU Formula®, 180 Kps., 119 g
Kräutersaft, 250 ml
Kupfercitrat Energetisiert, 60 Kps., 20 g
L-Arginin 600, 180 Kps., 129 g
L-Carnipur 500, 90 Kps., 78 g
Leber/Galle Formula, 60 Kps., 41 g
L-Glutamin 500, 180 Kps., 108 g
L-Gluthathion reduziert,60 Kps., 10 g
L-Lysin 500, 90 Kps., 67 g
L-Tryptophan 250, 60 Kps., 29 g
L-Tyrosin 400, 60. Kps., 32 g
Maca Energy (Grüne Linie), 90 Kps., 47 g
Maculaplex Paket 1-3, 3 x 60 Kps., 133 g
M-Formula®, 60 Kps., 46 g
MiraCHOL® Gold, 60 Kps., 38 g
MoFerrin® 21, 60 Kps., 44 g
MoFerrin®21, 180 Kps., 130 g
MSM Gelenksgel, 100 ml
Mucosa Formula®, 60 Kps., 46 g
Multispektrum24/7®, 180. Kps., 201 g
Multispektrum24/7®, 60. Kps., 67 g
NAC 750, 60 Kps., 52 g
NeuroGesan® B-Komplex, 180. Kps., 96 g
NeuroGesan® B-Komplex, 60. Kps., 32 g
Niaplex B3®, 60. Kps., 47 g
Nutrifem Basic, 90 Kps., 67 g
Nutrifem® CimiBalance®, 60. Kps., 31 g
Nutrifem® Pillovit B6®, 90. Kps., 63 g
Omega 3 DHA, vegan, 60 Kps., 51 g
Omega 3 DUO, 180. Kps., 250 g
Omega 3 DUO, 60 Kps., 85 g
Omega 3 Forte, 90 Kps., 125 g
Omni Lactis® 10 Caps, 180 Kps., 140 g
Omni Lactis® 10 Caps, 60 Kps., 46 g
Omni Lactis® 10 PUR Inulinfrei, 60 Kps., 33 g
OPC Formula, 60. Kps., 26 g
PANTO-H-Gena, 60 Kps., 21 g
Phyto-Biotika®, 60 Kps., 28 g
Protein CS 160/18, Pulver, 750 g
QINKGO® Heart & Brain Formula GOLD, 60 Kps.
ReconZym Gold, 60 Kps., 37 g
Rotklee Formula, 60 Kps., 37 g
Rythmoplex®, 60 Kps., 49 g
Sango Corallencalcium 2:1, 90. Kps., 85 g
Schwarzkümmelölkapseln, 180 Kps., 125 g
Selen Forte, 60 Kps., 11 g
Selenit 200, 180 Kps., 38 g
Selenit 200, 90 Kps., 19 g
Siebensalz® Magnesium, 60. Kps., 49 g
Spirulina, 180. Kps., 97 g
Tendo Formula®, 60. Kps., 46 g
Vitamin A 1000, 60 Kps., 17 g
Vitamin B6 Aktiviert (P5P), 90 Kps., 16 g
Vitamin D 2000 Duo Gold, 60 Kps., 16 g
Vitamin D3 & K2, 60 Kps., 25 g
Vitamin E Caps, 90 Kps., 60 g
Vitamin K2 100, 60 Kps., 10 g
Weihrauch 400, 60 Kps., 34 g
Yams Balance, 180 Kps., 74 g
Zincitrat 30, 180 Kps., 61 g
Zinkcitrat 30, 60 Kps., 20 g
Zinkcitrat energetisiert, 60 Kps., 19 g

Biogena knowledge: https://www.biogena.com/de/at/wissen/schaffen.html

Biogena Webshop: https://www.biogena.com/de/at/produkte.html


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