Time for mobility


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Time for mobility

Exercise outdoors is fun and broadens your horizons! How are you doing with your joints and your back? Are you mobile or a little stiff after the long lockdown?

Joints that move without pain and at the same time provide stability and security are a sign of good health.

The joints are called "sandhi" in Ayurveda. This means "space between two units", which has both a separating and connecting effect. This function makes the joints particularly susceptible to injury and disease. Like everything in nature, they atrophy and stiffen if they are not used regularly, i.e. moved vigorously. Daily exercise keeps the joints flexible and strengthens the surrounding muscles. Movement also prevents ama (undigested matter) from settling in and around the joints. This leads to stiffness, swelling and inflammation.

Diseases of the joints from an Ayurvedic point of view

When the joints become too stiff or excessive bone tissue forms around the joints, this is a sign of an accumulation of Vata. In such a situation it is important to treat the joints with plenty of oil, moisture and heat.

If a joint is red, hot and somewhat swollen, this is a sign of too much Pitta. This can be caused by an acute injury as well as by an attack of gout or overuse of a joint. For such complaints, you should apply cooling applications with a moderate amount of oil.

Severe swelling or fluid accumulation in joints without an increase in temperature indicates an excess of Kapha. This also applies to joints that are excessively stretchy. Here, applications with a little oil and dry warm compresses can be performed.

Ayurvedic methods for healthy joints

1. movement

yoga-2959214_1280Various forms of movement are necessary to promote flexibility, strength and stability in equal measure. The Ayurvedic classical texts recommend a daily exercise session in the morning. For practical reasons, this should be about 30 minutes and should be done after getting up immediately after oral hygiene and a glass of water. Start first with endurance training, e.g. brisk walking or light jogging to warm up, then gymnastics, strength or yoga exercises.

If you start work very early, you can also do this exercise session in the evening.

The total time for sport and exercise should be 3 ½ to 6 hours per week and spread over as many days of the week as possible.

2. oil massage

massage-lAfter exercise, little oil should be put in the nose, ears and mouth. Little oil should also be massaged into some parts of the body (forehead, lower back, abdomen and large joints).

If you have pain in the back or a joint, it is best to use the joint oil MA628.
Take a short shower after the oil massage.

If you have more time at the weekend, it is best to do a full body oil massage again. You can find a video with instructions for an Ayurvedic Abhyanga (full-body oil massage) here;https://youtu.be/gQT4yArE1Q4

3. joint massage

MA628If a joint is particularly stiff or painful, then a joint massage followed by a warm or cold pack is recommended.

Procedure: Oil the joint with plenty of MA628 oiland very gently massage the oil into the joint and surrounding structures with one or both hands. Massage for about 5 minutes. Then apply a damp cloth.

Cold pack: After acute injuries with redness, swelling and bruising or joint inflammation with redness and stabbing, pulsating pain. The moist cloth is cold, a little ice can intensify the cooling effect.

Warm pack: For chronically painful joints with or without swelling. After oiling, put a hot and damp cloth on the joint and place a hot water bottle on top.

Duration for both packs 10 to 30 minutes.

4. medicinal herbs


Myrrh is one of the most important medicinal herbs with analgesic and decongestant properties. In the MA572 herbal tablets, myrrh is incorporated in combination with spices and medicinal herbs that have a blood purifying and digestive strengthening effect. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, MA572 tablets can be taken 2 to 5 times a day.

5. purge

Periodic detoxification, adapted to the seasons, is a great help in removing accumulated ama. Participants of our detox cures report how much their mobility increases in the course of a detox cure.

You can find our current offers here


Joints are important structures in our body that allow us to move and walk upright. They can easily be disturbed or become diseased through strain, injury and illness.

Ayurvedic measures for every day help to prevent diseases, injuries and wear and tear of the joints to a large extent. Acute complaints in the musculoskeletal system can often be treated well with Ayurvedic methods.

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