Ayurvedic Forms of Treatment - Part 2 Shirodhara


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ayurvedic Forms of Treatment - Part 2 Shirodhara

"Shirodhara" literally means "head cast". Since the therapeutic fluid jet mainly hits the forehead, Shirodhara is usually translated as "forehead cast".

Important vital points are located on the forehead. "Sthapani" is the marma point in the middle of the forehead, near the root of the nose, which has an enormous influence on the autonomic nervous system. With a gentle touch, it radiates a calming effect on the whole body.

During a Shirodhara application, a continuous stream of fluid is directed to this point and its surroundings. Depending on the type and temperature of the fluid, a more or less soothing, cooling or nourishing effect can be exerted.

Sesame oil is the most commonly used substance for Shirodhara. This application is also called Taila Dhara and is particularly nourishing for the nervous system.

Takra Dhara (forehead watering with buttermilk) is particularly cooling and soothing for increased Pitta.

Kshira Dhara (forehead watering with milk) increases sattva and clarity of thought.

A Shirodhara treatment lasts 20 - 30 minutes and should be applied after an oil massage of the head or the whole body. Shirodhara can be prescribed once or in series of several days with one application per day.

Many people experience a unique state of calm and detachment during Shirodhara.
In our Pancha Karma department, Shirodhara is usually the crowning glory of a Pancha Karma therapy.


Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (2)

  • Maria Schmidseder schrieb am 19.03.2022

    Gratuliere zur Neueröffnung. Hört sich alles traumhaft an...aber gibt es auch eine
    Preisliste ???
    Lg aus dem Sauwald, Maria Schmidseder

    • soma med Team schrieb am 21.03.2022

      Sehr geehrte Frau Schmidseder,

      danke für Ihr Interesse, unsere Preisliste für die Kuranwendungen ist hier zu finden:

      Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
      soma med Team

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