Ayurvedic Rasayanas


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ayurvedic Rasayanas

It was in the early 1980s that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the great scholar of Veda, gathered around him India's then most eminent Ayurvedic experts, Western doctors and scientists. Among them were the Ayurvedic authorities Dr. B. D. Triguna, then president of the All India Ayurvedic Congress, Dr. Balraj Maharshi, India's best expert on the plant world, and Dr. Dwiwedi, the best-known expert on Ayurvedic mineral products. In discussing the goal of reconstructing, reconnecting, and reconnecting the knowledge of Ayurveda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inspired the assembly with the formulation of a great vision: to exploit the reach of Ayurveda for the 'creation of a disease-free society' by turning to an important part of the Ayurvedic scriptures, the Rasayanas.

The time tested knowledge of the correct composition and preparation of food supplements is a great achievement that distinguishes Ayurveda from almost all health systems. It is based on the knowledge of how plants, herbs and minerals can be combined to enhance each other and maximise the beneficial properties.

Rasayanas are mixtures of herbs and minerals that, according to Ayurvedic texts, are meant to help:

  • maintain the original order of the organism,
  • preserve youthfulness and stop or reverse the ageing process,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • become more resistant to harmful influences.

Rasayanas aim at the holistic balance of the doshas and support the formation of ojas. Ayurveda defines ojas as the very finest body matter, the subtle link to consciousness. A strong ojas promotes, among other things, longevity, physical strength, a vital, attractive radiance and a happy attitude towards life.

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