Goodbye Corona - what next?


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Goodbye Corona - what next?

Finally! Many restrictions have been lifted. Life is slowly returning to normal. A wide variety of experiences during the shutdown have left their mark on people. Emotions range from relaxation due to the shutdown to existential fears and worries.

How are you feeling? What do you take away from the crisis?

From a medical perspective, there are several points to keep in mind after the shutdown. The lifting of restrictions should not be cause for recklessness. Even though the likelihood of infection is currently very low, the rules of hygiene (washing hands, personal distance) and a healthy lifestyle should still be given the highest priority. There is heated debate about the appropriateness of the measures ordered by health authorities. Were they appropriate? Too strict? Too late? We will know the answer only in a few years. Ayurvedic medicine's approach to this situation is neutral. It is about making the best of the situation for the individual and society.

Global effects of standstill

According to the third law of thermodynamics, hyperactivity and disorder are as inextricably linked as calm and order. That there has been more calm recently is something no one can deny. According to this law of nature, the standstill must have a healing and ordering effect on the world. We know from Ayurvedic cleansing cures that the effect of calm and order often occurs somewhat later, because old burdens are first released through relaxation. From this point of view we can expect that global healing and order also need some time. So let's be surprised what positive effects will come.

Individual effects of silence

In the long run, stillness has a positive effect on everyone. But depending on previous history and personal life situation, inactivity can be subjectively experienced very differently: from relaxing and liberating to threatening and constricting. Many people suffer greatly from social distance. Especially older people, whose communication possibilities are limited, feel very neglected. Due to the standstill, many fellow citizens experience a serious economic threat. In this situation, it is important that the prescribed physical distance does not lead to emotional distance. Emotional closeness, whether through personal contact or electronic media, can become a lifesaver for many.

What's next for Corona?

No one knows how the Corona pandemic will evolve. From the fading of the disease wave to a violent flare-up of new infections, all possibilities are open. That is why it is more important than ever for everyone to take care of their own health. And everyone who protects their own health also contributes to the common good and to preventing infections in others.

Health Care

Although there are many studies showing that susceptibility to viral infections can be greatly reduced by health promoting measures, such are completely ignored by the authorities. Both Ayurvedic medicine and modern medicine show many ways to greatly influence susceptibility to infections. It is a need of the hour to do everything now that promotes stable health and resistance to infections.

Recommendations from modern medicine

Modern research has gained a lot of knowledge about how important so-called micronutrients are for the normal functioning of our body and our immune system. Micronutrients are mainly minerals and vitamins that are necessary in all metabolic processes. Vitamine und Mineralstoffe Micronutrients are involved in all immune reactions and are closely interrelated in their effects. A deficient supply status is one of the most important causes of susceptibility to infection.*1 Even minor deficiency symptoms lead to impaired immune competence. As a number of epidemiological studies have shown, the micronutrient supply of the general population as a whole is unsatisfactory.*2, 3 Children, younger women, the elderly, nursing home residents and the chronically ill are most affected. If the supply of micronutrients is improved, this will also have a strong effect on infection prevention. The exact correlation between deficiency and susceptibility to infections is known for the following micronutrients: vitamin D, vitamin C, all B vitamins, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc.*4 The risk of complications in patients with viral infections also decreases if these micronutrients are sufficiently available. After an infection, convalescence is also significantly accelerated by balancing these micronutrients.*5

Recommendations from Maharishi Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, good immunity is equated with strong digestive power. Therefore, all Ayurvedic recommendations that help improve digestive strength are also applicable to improving immune response. These include: Breaks between meals, adequate fluids, sleep before midnight, at least 30 minutes of physical exercise daily, regular purging, (Transcendental) meditation, yoga and breathing exercises. There is high scientific evidence of many of these seemingly simple recommendations in terms of strengthening the immune system. The Indian Department of Ayurvedic Medicine AYUSH recommends taking 10g of Chyavan Prash daily in addition to the above health-promoting activities.*6 As a high-quality alternative, Maharishi Ayurveda recommends 1 teaspoon of Amrit Kalash 2 times daily.

Best success through combination

In our practice, the combination of micronutrient therapy and Ayurvedic measures has proven to be very successful. We were able to bring many patients through winter and spring free of infections by optimizing the vital substances and with Ayurvedic herbal remedies. In the case of incipient infections and for vital substance therapy after severe infections, infusions with micronutrients have proven to be particularly effective. If it is unclear whether the vital substance supply is sufficient, a clarification by means of blood analysis is urgently recommended.


New time - new goals

Have you been able to use the standstill to rearrange your personal priorities and life goals? The Ayurvedic texts say that in times of external changes, one's own goals and courses of action must always be adjusted. According to Ayurveda, each person is born with unique abilities and tasks. Every crisis should be used to better perceive and implement these individual abilities and tasks. Regardless of how much the standstill has hurt you personally and economically: Take care of your life goals now. It is possible that such a great opportunity to finally do what you were meant to do will not come along again so soon.


The first restrictions after the shutdown are relaxed. This does not necessarily mean that the danger is over. Take intensive care of your health now in order to be strengthened and equipped for the coming time of great changes. Use the possibilities of modern medicine (micronutrient diagnostics and therapy) and Maharishi Ayurveda (appropriate nutritional supplements, 5 pillars of health). Now is the time to turn your dreams and purpose into reality! Recording of the webinar "Goodbye Corona - now what?"

*Sources: 1 Gröber U. Micronutrients. Metabolic tuning - prevention - therapy. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2011. 2 Rayman MP. The importance of selenium to human health. Lancet 2000 Jul 15; 356(9225): 233-41. 3 Cashman KD, Dowling KG, Škrabáková Z et al. Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: pandemic? Am J Clin Nutr 2016; 103(4): 1033-44. 4 Biesalski HK. Nutritional medicine, Stuttgart: Georg-Thieme Verlag 1995. 5 Barazzoni R et al, ESPEN expert statements and practical guidance for nutritional management of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection, Clinical 6 Link to blog "Official recommendations of the Indian AYUSH Ministry (Ministry of indigenous medicine procedures) on Corona

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  • Toni schrieb am 22.11.2021

    Ich konnte für mich mitnehmen, dass Freunde und Familie das Wichtigste im Leben sind.

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