Thermal water from the Three Kings Spring - healing power from the depths


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Thermal water from the Three Kings Spring - healing power from the depths

"What is special, unique about soma?" We are asked this question again and again. There are several answers: the location in untouched nature, the execution in health-promoting Vedic architecture, the collaboration of so many committed people...

But one answer is particularly important: the world's first combination of traditional Ayurveda, modern medicine and classical thermal spa treatment. This is what makes our house unique!

The healing water of the Drei-Königsquelle Haag am Hausruck is available to us in unadulterated quality. We use it for thermal tub baths, drinking cures and for the complete sustainable geothermal supply of soma.

What are the effects of this thermal water, which is extracted at 80°C from the depths beneath the Hausruckwald? We can now look back on the first testimonials of our spa guests.

Thermal treatment as part of the Ayurveda cure

The classical Ayurvedic texts provide a formal structure for every Ayurvedic cure. The aim is to process and eliminate disease-causing waste products, which in Ayurveda are referred to as Ama. To achieve this, dietary measures that trigger autophagy (self-purification) in the body are prescribed first. This part of the cure releases the harmful substances from the body tissues.

As the next step, the classical texts prescribe the application of oils (snehana), heat (svedana) and elimination of the polluted bodily fluids. In India as well as in all other countries of the world where Ayurvedic purification cures are offered, heat is applied in the form of steam baths in specially prepared sweat chambers or tent-like structures.

Baths with thermal water

At soma, the heat application consists of a thermal bath that lasts about 30 minutes.

This sounds unspectacular, but it has a sensational effect. You have to imagine that you first get a synchronous massage with wonderfully fragrant warm oils, which lasts 45 - 60 minutes. After a short rest, you immerse yourself in the pleasantly warm thermal bath. An unbelievable feeling of well-being and deep relaxation spreads through the whole body as you float weightlessly in the water.

Spontaneous improvement of chronic complaints

The odour of the thermal water is slightly smoky and tarry from the natural sulphur, but the water feels pleasantly soft. Some patients also report immediate improvement of long-standing chronic complaints.

"I had pain in all my finger joints for months. After the first 10 minutes in the thermal bath, the pain was gone and hasn't come back since."
- Günter L. Spa guest in soma

Many patients notice that complaints, which before the cure were rather dismissed as secondary, quickly become easier or disappear completely.

Francois H. recounts his experiences with the thermal water after his 10-day cleansing therapy during the final consultation: 

"Because of pain in my left knee due to osteoarthritis, I could only walk short distances. During my Pancha Karma cure I had 5 thermal baths. Yesterday I was able to walk for 2 hours on uneven terrain without pain."
-Francois H. Spa guest in soma

Balneo-medical evaluation of the thermal water

The thermal water of the Drei-Königsquelle was first examined in 1993 by Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marktl from Vienna. The water was qualified as a sodium hydrogen carbonate chloride mineral thermal spring. The sodium hydrogen carbonate content of the healing water causes it to act as a "buffer substance" (neutralises acids). It is generally known that stress and malnutrition lead to over-acidification of the organism. This is where our healing water comes in and neutralises the acids that lead to pain and discomfort.

In his expert opinion on the effects of our thermal water, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Marktl describes the indications for spa cures at soma:

  • Chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Post-traumatic damage to the musculoskeletal system (pain as a result of injury);
  • Paralysis of various causes;
  • Neurovegetative regulation disorders (consequences of stress and overload);
  • Functional cardiovascular diseases;
  • Neuralgia (nerve pain);
  • Ailments of old age;

All Pancha Karma spa guests receive the thermal baths as part of their spa treatments. There are no studies yet on the combination of the enormously rejuvenating and regulating Ayurvedic cleansing therapies with the thermal water treatments. We can look back on 30 years of experience with Pancha Karma application. Based on this experience we can say: The combination of Ayurvedic purification and thermal water applications in a house that supports order and health leads to unique effects that we have not observed before. The quality of the cures at soma leads to a new dimension of health-promoting results.

We look forward to your feedback!