The 5 pillars of health


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

The 5 pillars of health

5 Sulen Gesundheit

1. relax

"There is power in silence" an old saying tells us. According to Maharishi Ayurveda, stillness is the all-connecting element of creation. Silence is pure energy and intelligence that we can use meaningfully in our lives when we connect with it.

Transcendental Meditation (TM)

The most meaningful tool to connect with stillness is Transcendental Meditation. This simplest of all relaxation methods was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1918-2008) and spread worldwide. Over 700 high-quality scientific studies confirm unique effects of Transcendental Meditation on mental and physical health. More information about the effects of Transcendental Meditation can be found here:

Find out more about our Transcendental Meditation courses here.

Restful sleep

Adequate and restful sleep is essential for our health. More than half of the adult population reports poor sleep. Sleep disorders are treated by modern medicine with antidepressant drugs or addictive tranquillisers. Helping people with sleep disorders to get back to restful sleep in a natural way is one of the main focuses of the counselling work at soma and in our practice.

Breaks in everyday life

The natural human biorhythm consists of phases of rest and activity. In our hectic times, this natural alternation is often no longer observed. Fatal consequences are states of exhaustion, "burn out" and chronic fatigue. Learn with us to find your optimal rhythm of life and thus always be energetic and efficient!


2. move

Movement is life. Compared to previous generations, we move much less today on average. On the contrary, a part of the population that does exercise tends to overdo it, according to the motto "sport is murder". A body that is not regularly moved loses its elasticity and regenerative capacity. Excessive sporting activity leads to incorrect strain on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. It is part of every consultation in our practice to find the optimal exercise programme for you and to support you in the regular implementation of your exercise units. In doing so, we recommend and use exercises from yoga, endurance, skill and strength sports. Read also the blog article "Life is movement!? - Sport is murder!?" Leben ist Bewegung!? – Sport ist Mord!?


3. nourish

Everyone is familiar with the statement "Man is what he eats" by the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. Nevertheless, many people consciously or unconsciously damage their health through their eating habits and choice of food and drink. More and more people suffer from food intolerances, which according to Ayurveda are related to a weakened digestive system and can be cured. When accompanying our patients, not only the "what" of the diet plays an important role, but also the "how" ("You are as you eat"). Obesity is one of the major disease risks of our time. Metabolic disorders, malnutrition and stress as causes are evaluated by us through various diagnostic steps. By diagnosing food intolerances, nutritional and metabolic disorders and by individual counselling in eating behaviour, we guide our patients towards a holistically healthy diet.  Ernähren

4. purification

There is residue in all combustion processes. Our digestion "cooks and burns" the food to create energy and building blocks for our body. This also creates residues that the body can hardly eliminate under everyday conditions. Modern research on "autophagy", for which the Japanese Prof. Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2016, confirms the necessity of detoxification processes for health and longevity. Therapeutic procedures that aim at "autophagy" and internal cleansing are at the core of classical Ayurvedic therapies called Pancha Karma. These therapies are highly effective and make the difference between Maharishi Ayurveda and other forms of therapy. Only those who purify regularly will leave this earth youthful, vital and healthy at a very old age. It is our concern to guide all our patients in purification therapies that have the most effect on their health and that are feasible in terms of time and financially affordable. Enschlacken

5. life goals

A ship drifting on the water without a goal becomes a plaything of wind and waves. Similarly, people without a clear goal in life also become the plaything of circumstances and environment. According to Ayurveda, each person is born with unique abilities and a unique purpose in life that only he or she can fulfil. Are you aware of your unique life purpose? Education, overlay of stress and toxins, massive influences from advertising and media dilute or obscure most people's ability to perceive their unique life purpose and formulate their life goals. Experiencing stillness through deep relaxation and cleansing the body through purification therapies are indispensable aids to clearly perceiving personal inclinations and goals.

  Goals need to be periodically redefined because they keep changing with age. The life purpose and goals of a young person are different from those of an adult or a senior citizen. By helping you to self-reflect, by guiding you to purge and by empathetic conversations, we help you to find orientation in your life. Kompass Lebensziele

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