Thoughts on the year 2022


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Thoughts on the year 2022

The aim of Maharishi Ayurveda is to support each individual and society on the path to best health. We are currently experiencing a pandemic in which many people, as well as society as a whole, are ill and suffering. In many areas we are experiencing an unprecedented division that needs to be overcome. How is this to be done?

We can all do two things:

  1. Take care of our own health.
  2. Approach people with different opinions in a tolerant way.

Promote our own health

As far as point 1 is concerned, we will continue our activities as usual and will be happy to provide you with further support in person or in groups through our webinars and lectures. Improving your personal health requires constant initiatives. Stress, viruses, environmental toxins, social tensions constantly challenge us. It is indispensable to spend time and resources to strengthen your own centre in order to be able to face these challenges. Those who do not take care of themselves lose their balance due to these influences. Complaints, illnesses, suffering can arise.

Marcus Aurelius and "taking care of oneself

2021 was a commemorative year for the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who was born 1900 years ago, in 121 AD. Marcus Aurelius made high demands on himself and aimed to remain in balance. In his work "Self-Reflections", he demanded "care for oneself" from himself and his fellow human beings. This was to bring about the "sea calm of peace of mind", characterised by balanced emotions, self-sufficiency and imperturbability.*

Marcus Aurel

In Maharishi Ayurveda, the experience of silence has great health value. Silence promotes balance. Transcendental Meditation and Yoga are the practical tools to experience silence again and again in everyday life.

Recommendations from Ayurveda

But not only the experience of silence is significant for a healthy life. The Ayurvedic recommendations for Ahara and Vihara, diet and lifestyle, give how we can implement this "care for oneself" in everyday life.

Stay in touch with us to keep getting new impulses for this "care for oneself"!

Reaching out to each other                            

At present, society seems to be drifting apart more than ever. Restrictions and constraints hitherto unknown in our time, which we may be facing with compulsory vaccination, are dividing society as never before. Divergent opinions, vehemently held, are drawing dividing lines through partnerships, families, companies and society at large. As the pandemic continues, the differences are widening. How can we ever overcome this?

Making a mark

During my Christmas holiday in the Gastein Valley, I had a wonderful encounter. A hiker with a somewhat larger backpack caught my eye during my own walk. I spoke to him and learned that he was walking from Linz to Bad Gastein. That is, after all, about 230 km. Why that, in the middle of winter?

The hiker explained to me: "I live in Linz and am a vaccination advocate. My brother lives in Bad Gastein and is anti-vaccination. We have totally drifted apart and that is unbearable to me. I want to set an example and go out to meet him."

I could no longer find out how the meeting between the two brothers turned out. But the idea excited me. We must reach out to each other!

Vaccination debate

In the conversation, I also gave him my opinion on the current hardened debate. What we see: Both sides, supporters and opponents of vaccination, are exaggerating their arguments beyond measure. We see that vaccination is far from fulfilling the expectations placed in it. Contrary to the claims of the proponents, very many vaccinated people fall ill and transmit the virus to healthy people. The side effects of vaccination that we have observed are by far not as pronounced as those claimed by vaccination opponents.

Actually, both sides should leave the church in the village and talk reasonably with each other. Then neither coercive measures nor aggression would be necessary.


The great epidemics

What we need is the encouragement, supported by our politicians, to "take care of yourself". Every person can contribute much more to a healthy society than just getting vaccinated. After this pandemic, there will be more challenges for each individual and for society. And we can only overcome these in the long term if people are educated and encouraged to take responsibility for their own health. Only then will we be able to overcome much larger epidemics that already exist. Already, many times the number of people die each year from diet- and lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension compared to Covid. We can already counter future pandemics by paying more attention to these problems.

Blood pressure


The basis for this correction of the disease landscape in our society is the public promotion of self-responsibility for health. But this can only come if the ground is prepared for it by the "pioneers of healthy living". And you are one of these pioneers!

We are proud and very happy that you are pioneers for a disease-free society together with us. We are happy to continue to accompany you on this path.

Our optimistic outlook

With the launch of soma - the new Centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine - we are certainly sending a strong signal towards "Health for All"!

Be part of it and experience with us ever more stable values of health and well-being! NOW is the time!

soma perspective



Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (3)

  • Ulrike Burgheim schrieb am 09.01.2022

    Guten Tag,
    mit großer Freude habe ich Ihre Worte gelesen zum Thema Umgang in der Pandemie und wie wir generell uns um uns kümmern sollen und ich hoffe sehr, dass ich mein Umfeld auch positiv beeinflussen kann sich einfach mehr um sich selbst zu kümmern und die Verantwortung für die Gesundheit selber zu übernehmen dafür haben Sie mit ihren Beiträgen und Webinaren sehr viel beigetragen,dass ich dieses tiefere Verständnis bekommen habe und dafür bin ich sehr dankbar, besonders in diesen Zeiten.
    Ich wünsche Ihnen allen ein gesundes, glückliches neues Jahr mit einem ganz tollen Start in ihrem neuen Gesundheitshaus.
    Liebe Grüße Frau Burgheim

  • Petra Rechberger schrieb am 08.01.2022

    Vielen Dank für den wunderbaren Beitrag über die Geschichte der beiden Brüder! Es wäre so schön, wenn viele Menschen dies lesen könnten! Ich freue mich schon sehr auf das neue Ayurveda Zentrum! LG Petra Rechberger

  • dosser stefan schrieb am 08.01.2022

    vielen Dank zu dieser aufschlussreichen Stellungnahme bezüglich der Impfdebatte. so sehe ich das auch! Ich habe mich nur nach Druck impfen lassen, damit ich meiner Arbeit als öffentlich Angestellter nachgehen kann. Sonst setze ich vielmehr auf gesunde Ernährung, frischer Luft, Bewegung, Meditatio u. Vermeidung von medialer Propaganda! Grüße aus Meran, Stefan D.

We look forward to your feedback!

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