Healthy and awake through autumn


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Healthy and awake through autumn

Did you have a nice summer? How did the Corona-related holiday at home work out for you?

Are your children also well recovered and ready for the new school year?

This autumn, many things will be different than before. No one can say for sure how the corona virus pandemic will develop. Most precautions will remain and limit our freedom of action.

But does this really keep us safe? The Ayurvedic texts say that it is not only hygiene, but above all one's own powers of resistance that are important to prevent infections. Strengthening these is one of the domains of Maharishi Ayurveda.

Particularly important factors for a strong immune system are sufficient sleep, good mood and an optimistic mind.

Back to school

Schoolchildren and students have suffered particularly from the restrictions of the pandemic. The factors that are so important for personality development at this age, such as regularity, social contacts and targeted support, have been lost for many children and young people due to the school closures.

Use the approaching start of school and the semester to practise a regular daily rhythm with your offspring again. Early to bed and early to rise may not be popular at this age, but it leads to a better alignment of the rhythm of life with the biorhythms (for more information, see the article "Living with the Rhythms of Nature"). This results in more energy and performance, which will certainly have an effect on the approaching school day.

In order to find the way into this biorhythm more easily and also to attune the mind-body system more to learning and reproducing what has been learned, the application of the "Student Rasayana" MA724 can be a great support. The herbs contained in it, such as Brahmi and Ashwagandha, improve the ability to learn and optimise the regeneration phase during the night. They also contribute to good mood and optimism. Fears of schoolwork, but also of illness, risk of infection and other time issues are favourably influenced. It is recommended to adjust the biorhythm 1 - 2 weeks before school starts and to start taking the student rasayana.

Adults and seniors can achieve a similar effect with the medicinal plants Ashwagandha and Brahmi as single remedies or in the complex remedies MA686 and MA3 .

Immune system

VitaminD3_web_600x600Sun, wind and water are the best stimulators for a strong immune system. With the end of vacations and vacations, this natural protection against diseases falls away again. Through a daily exercise session of 30-60 minutes, which applies to children, teenagers and adults as well as seniors, we can draw on the energy we have built up during the summer for a longer period of time.

Through the influence of the sun, we also build up a natural supply of vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin not only strengthens our bones, but has also been shown to boost our immune system. With a good supply of vitamin D, infections are milder and with less risk of complications. (Read more HERE.) That's the good news. The bad news is: vitamin D levels drop by 15-20% per month if vitamin D is not supplied.

Therefore, all generations should be provided with proper vitamin D substitution by now at the latest. Please let the staff of our store advise you personally regarding a correct dosage. An annual examination of the vitamin D level is recommended by our doctors Dr. Wolfgang and Dr. Valeria Schachinger. (More information about vitamin D you can get HERE)

Exercise and relaxation

"Sitting is the new smoking" - this is the slogan that aptly sums up the danger of a sedentary lifestyle. It is now common knowledge how dangerous smoking is. Sitting for more than 5 - 6 hours a day can have adverse health effects, just like smoking.

woman-2827304_1280That is why the above-mentioned exercise session of 30 - 60 minutes a day is so important. Even if gym classes are cut or exercise is impossible at work, don't let that stop you from exercising every day.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, it is extremely important to arrange the exercise sessions in such a way that they do not lead to stress or exhaustion under any circumstances. The best measure of proper intensity is nasal breathing. No matter what sport you and your children do, always breathe out and in calmly through your nose. And if the air gets too low, don't open your mouth, but reduce the intensity of the exercise! This leads, among other things, not to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, but to the parasympathetic, which, unlike the sympathetic, stimulates the immune system and defenses.

Of equal importance to exercise is relaxation for the immune system. Sufficient sleep and regular (Transcendental) meditation release the tensions and stresses that block the immune system.


Begin the "seriousness of life" that comes after the vacations by aligning your own life rhythms with the rhythms of nature. Inspire your children to do this with you!

Sleep before midnight, meditation, relaxed exercise sessions with nasal breathing, and some simple nutritional supplements build insurmountable protection against disease from an Ayurvedic perspective.

When will you and your family start?

We look forward to your feedback!

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