Not just a question of ingredients

Healthy diet - part 2


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Not just a question of ingredients

Healthy diet - part 2

5.     where do I eat?

The places where we spend time have a great influence on our well-being. From the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, the traditional teaching of proper building, we know that it is ideal to use part of the living area exclusively for eating. When we are used to eating in that place, the digestive system functions best there. A meal should always be well prepared, the dining table nicely set and everything appetizingly arranged. If you make this preparation standard, then you are less likely to be tempted to snack between meals.

 The dining area in any house or apartment should be quiet so that we are not distracted from eating by music, radio, television or newspaper. Of course, the dining area should also be absolutely smoke-free. A pleasant, quiet atmosphere while eating allows us to take in food mindfully and adjust the amount and type of food to our personal needs. In a calm, stress-free environment, it is also easier to chew well and eat slowly, thus savoring the full flavor of the food. If we keep this in mind, it is effortless to experience the point of satiety and not overeat.

6.     how much?

The best quality of food is meaningless if we constantly eat too much or too little. Stress and hectic, but also irresistible influence by advertising and bad role models lead to the fact that nowadays a large part of people have no natural feeling for the right amount.

Problem 1: constant overeating. This leads to obesity and massively increases the risk factors for susceptibility to disease (morbidity) and premature death (mortality). The diseases of civilization - obesity, adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipids and the resulting cardiovascular diseases - are consequences of the fact that a large proportion of people eat more than their bodies can process. Everything that we cannot process is deposited in the body as "ama" (waste products) and is the breeding ground for the diseases of civilization described above. If the feeling for the right amount has been lost, it is important to reduce excess weight and restore a natural feeling of hunger and satiety through repeated cleansing cures, such as our herbal detox, our webinars  oder Pancha Karma cures

Problem 2: Eating too little. This leads to underweight. Young girls and women in particular tend to eat too little. In some cases, this leads to serious medical conditions such as anorexia and bulimia. Part of these diseases is an insufficient supply of vital substances to the body tissues. Even in these often desperate cases, Ayurvedic cleansing cures and proper eating habits are the last lifesavers.

7.     with what?

This question refers to the combination of food with ingredients, spices, beverages, etc. In general, every meal should contain all 6 flavors, be tasty and digestible. The use of spices plays an important role in this. Spices add zing to food, make it more digestible and are key to ensuring that all 6 flavors are present in the meal. Ayurvedic nutrition stands out above all because spices are used intensively. To get started, our Vata-, Pitta- and Kapha-Churna spice blends are great to use according to taste, time of day and season. Also the Vata, Pitta and Kapha spice teas, which can be drunk during or even between meals, contain all 6 flavors. Thus, they support the digestive system and contribute to the most important effect of a meal: that at the end of the meal we are not only satiated, but above all satisfied. .

It is important to deal intellectually with the Ayurvedic recommendations on nutrition once to understand them. But all these rules are only to form an understandable framework in which you develop the intuition to always spontaneously eat right.

 Become a silent connoisseur of your food! Then you will spontaneously do everything right!

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  • anton schrieb am 24.07.2021

    Sehr interessanter Beitrag. Vielen Dank.

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