Ghee for a healthy intestinal flora


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ghee for a healthy intestinal flora

All over the world we lament the loss of species. More and more species are becoming extinct. This is happening not only in our environment, but also in our bodies. New studies, published in the prestigious journal "Nature", describe the loss of species in the intestinal flora and the associated impairment of our immune system.

What does this have to do with ghee? The diversity and biodiversity of gut flora depends on how our microbiome (gut bacteria) is nourished. Highly processed foods, preservatives, antibiotics and other drugs drastically reduce the diversity of gut flora.

Gut flora and immune system

A high bio-diversity of the gut flora is responsible for the effectiveness of our immune system. The higher the biodiversity of our "fellow inhabitants", the more efficient the immune system.

What does the intestinal flora need to maintain or regain its diversity? First and foremost, it needs the right environment and a suitable diet. The most important components of a microbiome-promoting diet are butyric acid (butyrate), conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) and dietary fibre.

Ghee as optimal food for intestinal flora

Ghee is the food with the highest content of butyrate. This makes it ideal for nourishing the intestinal flora.

Butyric acid is present in almost all ghee. The second important oily nutrient for the intestinal flora, conjugated linolenic acid (CLA), however, is only found in ghee, which is made from butter from grass and hay feeding.

The special feature of our "Original Ayurveda Ghee" is the consistent, exclusive and gentle processing of butter from grass and hay feeding. This means that in addition to butyric acid, it also contains the other oleic acids that are so important for the bio-diversity of the intestinal flora.

Original Ayurveda Ghee and dietary fibre

You can enhance the effect of our special ghee product on a healthy intestinal flora by including sufficient dietary fibre in your diet.

While earlier generations consumed about 100g of dietary fibre daily, our modern diet contains on average only 10g of fibre daily. No wonder the intestinal flora is "starving"!

Which dietary fibres should you consume in addition to 1 - 2 tablespoons of ghee per day? Wholemeal products, pulses, vegetables and fruit are good choices, as are fibre-rich food supplements with a high probiotic effect. These are mainly psyllium, linseed and chia seeds.

Gut flora and longevity

MA505-klein_600x600Another recent study shows that the health-promoting effect of the intestinal flora can be intensified by Triphala (MA505). Triphala has a high content of polyphenols, which, like butyric acid, are important nutrients for the intestinal flora.

While there is no study to prove it, the combination of Triphala, high-quality ghee made from hay-milk sour cream butter and an intake of prebiotics (psyllium) and probiotics (lassi) should result in optimal health and longevity benefits.

We look forward to your feedback!

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