Good sleep - the effect of bioidentical hormones


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Good sleep - the effect of bioidentical hormones

Especially during the menopause and in states of exhaustion, it happens time and again that natural measures to improve sleep do not have a lasting effect. In such situations, measures that have become known through research into the hormonal influence on sleep patterns come to our aid.

The sleep-promoting effect of the hormone melatonin is widely known. Especially during long-distance travel, which is accompanied by a change in the sleep rhythm due to so-called "jet lag", melatonin is considered an insider tip for restoring an adjusted sleep pattern. Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces in the pineal gland. This hormone triggers restful sleep. It can be produced in the body during darkness from its counterpart, the daytime and happiness hormone serotonin.

What are hormones?

Hormones are messenger substances that are produced by special glands or nerve cells. They are spread throughout the body via blood and lymph and are carriers of specific information. Every cell in the body has so-called "receptors" to which hormones dock and thereby stimulate the cell to perform certain activities. For example, the hormone insulin causes sugar to be stored, the thyroid hormone thyroxine causes metabolic activities to be stimulated, testosterone causes energy to be released (in men and women!), progesterone causes rest and regeneration to occur.

Life without hormones is completely impossible. Without hormones, the body cannot survive a single minute.

In the prime of life, between the ages of 20 and 30, we have the greatest amount of hormones in our blood. The ageing process and chronic stress cause a gradual or even sudden drop in most hormones. This leads to increasing imbalances in the body. In a healthy person, the hormones are in balance - like a mobile that is in equilibrium. Stress, one-sided strain, the menopause and the ageing process lead to hormones that we need for regeneration and restful sleep being used up more quickly and thus no longer being available in sufficient quantities.

Hormone replacement with human or bioidentical hormones

A hormone deficiency can be diagnosed by a blood test in cases of menopausal symptoms, fatigue, depression and premature ageing. This test can determine whether one or more of the vital hormones is reduced to an extent that causes complaints. Based on the blood test and the symptoms, it can be determined whether the replacement of one or more of these hormones can contribute to better regeneration and sleep.

Doctor, just no hormones!

In modern medicine, hormone-like substances were used for many years as medicines under the title "hormones". Research has shown that by misleading the body in this way, not only did the intended rejuvenation fail to materialise, but the risk of developing cancer was also significantly higher due to these drugs. Such hormone-like drugs, which also include the contraceptive pill and the hormonal IUD, can have considerable side effects and should only be used for a short time, if at all. In our practice, only so-called bio-identical or human-identical hormones are recommended and used for menopausal symptoms, states of exhaustion and sleep disorders. These hormones correspond 100 % to the body's own hormones and have absolutely no harmful side effects when used in doses that correspond to the amounts produced by the body.

Bioidentical hormones for good sleep

The hormones that are important for healthy sleep include above all the melatonin mentioned above and the nest hormone progesterone. Women naturally have higher levels of progesterone than men. However, this can be drastically reduced by the menopause, by stressful conditions or also by suppression through the pill and hormone pills, making healthy sleep impossible. In men, too, chronic stress and the ageing process can drastically reduce the hormone progesterone, which is essential for sleep and brain regeneration.

Progesterone and melatonin for persistent sleep disorders

In our practice, together with the "Alte Stadtapotheke Ried", we have developed an ointment that is used as a carrier substance for progesterone and melatonin. In the case of persistent sleep disorders, it can be determined on the basis of the measured blood values whether one of these hormones is lacking to a certain extent. By applying an ointment containing progesterone and/or melatonin, this deficit can be eliminated and a healthy sleep rhythm can be supported. This is a very gentle and sustainable method to satisfactorily get years of severe sleep disorders under control again.

No hormone ointment without a change in lifestyle

For a sustainable improvement of sleep, however, not only the application of the individually dosed "sleeping ointment" is important, but also the elimination of other causes and disorders that have led to poor sleep. Here, individual recommendations from the 5 pillars of health relaxation, exercise, nutrition, detoxification and a sense of purpose in life are of decisive importance. Healthy restful sleep is essential for vitality and a long life free of complaints. Good sleep is your birthright! - We would be happy to advise you too!

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