Headache does not have to be - migraine


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Headache does not have to be - migraine

While tension headaches are predominantly related to disorders of Vata dosha, migraine is mainly associated with disorders of Pitta. Pitta controls the digestive organs in the upper abdomen such as the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen and small intestine. Too much pitta leads to the accumulation of heat and acid in these organs. When a certain level is exceeded, the body wants to get rid of heat and acid. This leads to migraine attacks in people who are predisposed to them.

Symptoms of migraine

Once you have experienced a migraine, you will never forget it. After preliminary symptoms such as visual and tactile disturbances, nausea and vomiting, a strong throbbing headache, usually on one side, occurs. Because of the sensitivity to light that occurs at the same time, this headache forces you to stay in a quiet, cool room, preferably one that is completely darkened. Depending on the severity, such an attack can last from several hours to days. During this time, one is completely incapable of acting.

Migraine in Ayurveda

In the pain therapy of migraine attacks, modern medicines are a blessing. But why does the pain keep coming back? Here Ayurveda gives interesting explanations and recommendations. It is known from modern research as well as from the Ayurvedic classics that there is a connection with the digestive system and its messenger molecules. These molecules include histamine and serotonin. Both can be produced when the stomach and intestines are irritated, and when certain foods such as chocolate or drinks such as red wine are digested incorrectly.

Just as the domain of modern medicine is acute pain therapy, Ayurvedic methods can be used to reduce migraines. The aim of Ayurvedic therapy is to restore the balance in the digestive system to such an extent that migraine attacks no longer occur.

Both the appearance of histamine and an excess of serotonin are signs of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. By strengthening the digestive fire Agni with dietary measures, cleansing cures and specifically applied medicinal plants, the silent inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes can be brought to a standstill. Then the messenger substances histamine and serotonin also remain within a range that no longer triggers migraine attacks. The book "Headache does not have to be" describes very interestingly how the traditional Ayurvedic food supplement Maharishi Amrit Kalash reduces chronic silent inflammations through its ability to bind free radicals.

In addition to the Maharishi Amrit Kalash dietary supplement, Ayurvedic massage treatments, sound and music therapy, attention to biorhythms, dietary recommendations and Ayurvedic cleansing cures play an important role in Ayurvedic migraine prevention and therapy.

Read more on pages 82 - 91 in the book "Headache does not have to be“.

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