Ayurveda and menopause

Menopause - problem or new start part 2


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ayurveda and menopause

Menopause - problem or new start part 2

Change always has to do with (temporary) chaos. An old order dissolves, a new order must first emerge. In the time in between, things come to light that burden the order. This process is similar in all natural systems. Menopause is the transitional period between the fertile prime of life and the maturity of older age.

Menopause – Problem oder Neustart ins Glück From the point of view of Ayurvedic medicine, midlife with family, job and duties in society is subordinate to Pitta dosha. This means that the fire element dominates and enables high performance. With the end of fertility, and thus also with the end of the menstrual cycle, comes the maturity period of life. This time is associated with the vata dosha. Vata expresses the elements of space and air, which are responsible for knowledge, information and movement. With the dominance of these elements, a person's natural abilities also change. Life energy changes from an active and transformative form of energy to a calm and more inward activity.


For many women, the transition period between these phases of life is associated with considerable discomfort and challenges. Although a very frequent double burden of professional tasks and responsibility for the household and family require a lot of energy, life energy decreases significantly at this age between 50 and 55. Aggravatingly, unpleasant symptoms such as sleep disturbances, palpitations at night, mood swings, irregular menstrual bleeding and associated anemia (lack of blood) spread. When bleeding stops, other symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, and a decrease in energy are added. Woman suddenly feels unable to cope with daily tasks.

Effective help

In this turbulent phase of life, Maharishi Ayurveda offers effective and natural help. These include tips from nutrition, medicinal plants, and methods of purification.


"I eat the same as before and suddenly gain a few kilos in weight." is a typical statement for this time. As hormonal activity wanes, so does the digestive fire. As a result, many foods can no longer be processed by the body to the same extent as in previous years. The body burns less and stores more. Now a particularly light and yet nourishing diet is important. The body needs many vital substances, but little quickly usable energy, such as is contained in diets rich in sugar and carbohydrates. If one is not in balance, then one has a particularly strong need for sweets and heavy foods, which then increase the discomfort and accelerate unwanted weight gain. Wider intervals between meals and well-seasoned, cooked food will prevent rapid weight gain. Spices need to be cooling when hot flashes dominate. Cooling spices include coriander, cardamom, our Pitta Churna, and culinary herbs such as sage, mint, and parsley. If weight gain is causing problems, then abundant use of warming spices such as pepper, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and kapha churna will help.

Medicinal herbs

Many complaints can be alleviated with individualized nutritional recommendations. Many hormonal deficiencies and energetic lows can be balanced very well with typical Ayurvedic medicinal herbs. Ashwagandha and Shatavari, the Indian asparagus, are particularly beneficial in this phase of life. These two roots give support and energy in difficult times. They act as excellent "neuroadaptive" agents, improving resistance to stress and helping the mind-body system adapt to a new life situation.


Purification therapies are considered by Maharishi Ayurveda to be particularly effective and helpful in turbulent and stressful life situations. By purging the burdened and misdirected "bodily fluids", the roots of the ailments are removed. "The herbal detox cure has brought about a turnaround in me. My constant fatigue, mood swings and weight improved greatly in a short time. I was able to do the cure at home without any problems, and as a result, I immediately noticed positive changes in my daily life." Ayurvedic cleansing cures that are performed on an inpatient basis, so-called "Pancha Karma Cures," reach even deeper. "It's incredible what has changed in the two weeks of the cure. I feel light, my head is clear, and I feel again that I can do my tasks effortlessly. I am really fit for everyday life again!"

Personalized Therapy

The Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis, which is carried out on every patient in our practice, points the way to individualized therapy. As different as the symptoms of menopause can be, as individual the therapy will be based on the pulse diagnosis. Pulse diagnosis and vital substance analysis form the basic diagnostic framework of our practice. A natural and quickly effective therapy for menopausal symptoms can be reliably based on this. The enthusiastic feedback from our patients proves us right: the sensible combination of Maharishi Ayurveda and modern medicine leads to rapid treatment success for the benefit of our patients. 

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