6 tips against fear


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

6 tips against fear

The corona virus still dominates much of our attention. In contact with patients, it is striking that the corona crisis has left deep traces of fear. This affects all age groups, from children to seniors. Children are afraid of contact, or avoid visits to the doctor's office for fear of the virus. Working people are afraid of the economic consequences of being shut down. Seniors suffer from loneliness and isolation due to imposed social distance. Depression and suicides are rising sharply. Anxiety and depression can always dominate people's lives.

What recommendations does Maharishi Ayurveda have to promote mental health and well-being? Read our top 6 tips to combat anxiety here!


1 | Sleep

Anxiety can make you sleepless. However, sleep is the most important mechanism of regeneration available to our mind-body system. During sleep we process the impressions of the day and enable the brain to eliminate metabolic waste products. If we do not sleep enough, we age faster. The processing of everyday events is often expressed in dreams. If we sleep too little or do not notice dreams due to exhaustion, this can be unfavorable for stress processing. A good sleep rhythm with a portion of sleep before midnight favors the processing of the day's events. According to new research, 7-8 hours of sleep is important to rid the body of the toxic metabolic waste products that accumulate during the course of a day. A separate drainage system, which has been called the "glymphatic system," removes approximately 7 grams of waste products from the brain night after night. If we don't get enough sleep, these substances accumulate and lead to "amyloid deposits," which are linked to Alzheimer's dementia. Good preparation through a sleep ritual, the right sleep rhythm and herbal remedies from Ayurvedic medicine (e.g. Nidra tablets) will help you to solve your sleep problem without chemical remedies.

2 | Yoga

In the classical sense, yoga is understood to be all methods that serve self-discovery. These include asanas (physical yoga exercises), pranayama (breathing exercises) and (transcendental) meditation. When anxiety is acute, exercise is the best antidote. This shifts attention from racing thoughts to the body. This provides immediate relief. This movement can be a brisk walk in the woods, a bike ride, or a session of yoga exercises. The important thing is not to overexert yourself, but to stay within a comfortable performance range when exercising. Even if anxiety is high, exercise immediately relieves it. To cope with anxiety in the long run, Transcendental Meditation (TM) is the best remedy. In 15-20 minutes of effortless deep relaxation 2x a day, which occurs without effort in TM, a stable sense of well-being emerges over time, replacing any anxiety, no matter how deep. No matter what triggers your life crisis with fears and worries: Learn Transcendental Meditation as soon as possible and don't stop using this wonderful practice daily!

BOOKTIP: Health from the Self - Schachinger, Schrott

3 | Nutrition

The intestine is the main producer of our happiness hormone serotonin. Over 90% of it is produced in the digestive system. Only when healthy food meets a well-functioning digestive system can this messenger substance for well-being be produced in sufficient quantities.

Regular purging improves the digestive system's ability to produce serotonin. When was your last Pancha Karma regimen, your last herbal detox? Experience in dealing with anxiety patients and people with high stress levels shows that any purge immediately lowers anxiety levels, replaces depressive moods with good moods, and greatly improves well-being.

4 | Sunlight

"Without light, there is no life." The sun is life-giver number 1. All life on our planet earth is dependent on light and heat, which are donated by the sun. Due to our modern way of life, we are increasingly disconnected from natural sunlight and biorhythms. Many diseases are caused by this. Anxiety, worry and depression are also massively increased by lack of sunlight. Get out in the sunlight as often as possible to conquer your fears! Vitamin D is the substance that most represents the effects of sunlight in our bodies. When we get enough sunlight, we produce it ourselves in our skin and connective tissues. Since most people do not experience enough sunlight on their skin, vitamin D supplementation is a must for all people with anxiety and depression. Especially for children and seniors, it is important to ensure adequate substitution.

Our Tip:

First measure vitamin D levels during a blood draw, then take the right dosage! Important to know: If you are not exposed to full-body sunlight for at least 15 minutes a day, you should definitely take vitamin D drops even in summer!

5 | Ayurvedic medicinal herbs

Ayurveda offers a wealth of medicinal herbs that improve mood and memory. They are called medhya-rasayanas and come in various combinations. One of the best herbal blends for relieving anxiety and worry is MA1401 Vata Balance. There are also suitable herbal preparations for children (MA674), adolescents (MA724) and seniors (MA3) to improve mental well-being.

6 | Life goals

In every phase of life there are specific tasks and goals. The same person deals with different tasks as a child than as an adult or senior citizen. Life crises are always given when we are not able to match our activities with the demands of life. We have to stop again and again and ask ourselves: Is what I am doing (in my job, family, leisure time) right for me and my environment? Does it nourish me and my fellow human beings? Only if we can answer these questions with a sure "yes", we are in harmony with our personal destiny, which is called "Dharma" in Ayurveda. If the answer to these questions is "no", adjustments are inevitable. Every crisis is an opportunity. As we work toward realizing our destiny, support comes. Have courage and be creative and determined! There is a solution for everything for the better!


Anxiety, worry and depression occur more frequently in times of crisis. Through simple lifestyle measures, it is possible to overcome these afflictions and return to happiness and well-being. Harness the power of sleep, yoga and meditation, nutrition and sunlight, Ayurvedic supplements, and the resolve to do what feels good to leave your anxiety behind. If this advice does not get you out of the crisis on your own, we offer you our professional help. Do not hesitate and make an appointment!