Coronavirus - how can I prevent it? - UPDATE


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Coronavirus - how can I prevent it? - UPDATE

Everyone is talking about the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). We do not yet know how dangerous it is and how much it will spread. Precautionary measures seem justified. We don't just want to talk about the obvious measures like hand disinfection here.

How can I treat naturally?

Virus So far, the infectious disease COVID-19 has been found to run like a normal flu-like infection in most people. There are also symptomless carriers of viruses. This is the reason why we should take the recommendation to avoid social contacts seriously. Only a few get seriously ill, even the number of deaths is proportionally no higher than in the seasonal flu epidemics. The current mortality rate is 3% of registered cases of illness. If one assumes that the total number of infected persons is about three times as high as the number of registered cases of the disease, one can assume a mortality rate of about 0.5 - 1%. Severe courses of disease and deaths from SARS-CoV-2 have so far almost only occurred in people who were heavily burdened by severe other diseases or extreme stress.

How can you protect yourself? Are there measures that can prevent an infection or make it milder?

Maharishi Ayurveda is intensively engaged in measures and applications that improve the strength of the immune system.

Protection against infection during the flu season

We are also currently experiencing the peak of the annual flu epidemic. Regardless of the new coronavirus, it makes sense to look at how to strengthen the immune system right now. If you are even somewhat vigilant and take a few precautionary measures, you can protect yourself well against new infections and also mitigate the course of contagious diseases. This applies to the "normal" flu or other flu-like infections as well as to the new SARS-CoV-2.

Fear suppresses the immune system

Fear acts as a powerful brake on your immune system. Therefore, do not concern yourself with fear of infection. Better start strengthening your immune system today. There are many free measures you can take to do this, starting right now. Occupy yourself with people and things that make you happy. The happiness hormones serotonin, dopamine and hGH (human growth hormone, is produced more during fasting and purification) directly strengthen the efficiency of the immune system. These endogenous substances are produced when you meditate, play with children, or engage in other pleasurable activities.

Strong immune system from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda.

According to Ayurveda, the body is capable of forming a substance that protects it from disease. This substance is called ojas and is formed from food when it is fully digested. Ojas is therefore an essence that the body extracts from food and prepares in such a way that all organs and tissues are strengthened. In addition, Ojas also provides clear mind during the day, restful sleep during the night, and well-being and happiness. Ojas keeps the body fresh, agile and young, and makes the mind cheerful. The formation of ojas is interrupted whenever we are exposed to too much stress. These can be various stressful stimuli: sleep deprivation, overwork, poor or improper diet, emotional stress, anxiety, toxins from the environment....

Ingredients for a strong immune system

If you constantly push your mind and body to the limit, you run the risk of using up too much ojas and thus no longer being able to protect your mind and body from disease. This can lead to premature aging, to depression, to sleep disorders, to all kinds of chronic diseases and even to disorders of the immune system. In such situations, the immune system is unable to recognize threatening germs and render them harmless. Therefore, if you want to protect yourself from infectious diseases, it is advisable to follow a particularly regular daily routine in times of greater danger. Sleep before midnight is especially important. This contributes strongly to the regeneration of ojas. Also very regular meals, eaten according to Ayurvedic recommendations, protect against overloading the body. Slow eating and good chewing strengthen the positive effects of a diet rich in vital substances.

Eating breaks and fasting

The body needs time to generate ojas from food. If it is constantly bombarded with new food, it cannot convert even high-quality food into ojas. In flu times, it is especially important to eat only very lightly in the evening and to consume only water and tea in the three hours before sleep. Follow a kapha-reducing diet now in spring by avoiding heavy foods, sweets in large quantities, and dairy products. A short Ayurvedic cleansing cure such as the "herbal detox" is ideal to get rid of waste products (ama) at the end of the cold season, which could become a breeding ground for viruses.

Free stimulators for your immune system

There are some activities that have proven immune-boosting effects: Walking in the forest (researched in Japan as "forest bathing"), alternating showers and baths, walking barefoot, sunbathing, stimulating climates at high altitude or by the sea....

Dietary supplements from Maharishi Ayurveda

Some Ayurvedic supplements are very good for building up ojas and thereby strengthening the immune system. In addition to adequate sleep, simple diet, and protection from avoidable stresses, Maharishi Amrit Kalash is a recommended tonic. The MA4 paste nourishes all body tissues including ojas, and the MA5 herbal tablets strengthen nerves and digestive system. If at the beginning of the flu season starts taking these remedies, one can expect improved protection against germs. A useful alternative or supplement to Maharishi Amrit Kalash is the Sportsman Rasayana MA1. Due to its content of vitamin C and nourishing substances for lymph, blood and muscles, it strengthens immunity, and also has a deacidifying effect. Another simple measure from Ayurveda is the application of MP 16 Nasya oil. This oil, intensively enriched with medicinal herbs, is applied several times a day in small quantities to the nasal entrance and then "pulled up" a little. The classical texts attribute to this measure a strengthening and cleansing effect for the nasal mucous membranes.

Recommendations from orthomolecular medicine

From modern medicine, vitamin D is the most important recommendation for prevention. Sufficiently dosed, it demonstrably protects against susceptibility to infections. Regular intake is a must in the dark and cold season, according to expert opinion recommended all year round. Our recommendation for dosage: daily 1000 i.U. per 20kg body weight. The International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine recommends taking the following supplements to prevent a viral infection or minimize its symptoms:

  • Vitamin C: approximately 3g per day distributed over several intakes (we recommend 1g).
  • Vitamin D3: 2000 i.U. daily (we recommend 1000 i.U. per 20kg of body weight)
  • Magnesium: 400 mg daily
  • Zinc: 20 mg per day
  • Selenium: 100 mcg per day

If you have not taken vitamin D before, please contact us for a higher starting dose.


There are good studies that confirm the disinfecting effect of essential oils. Disease germs such as viruses are less able to spread when essential oils purify the atmosphere. In case of illness, they are also excellent for inhalation to clear the respiratory tract of mucus. Rubs on the chest are also appropriate when ill. Here are some scents that are particularly good:

  • MA 634, the "Ayurvedic Mint Oil" (contains mint, eucalyptus and many other scents)
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Frankincense

Spices and medicinal herbs teas

Some medicinal herbs that you may use very often as teas have antiviral effects. Maharishi Ayurveda Vata tea, as well as Pitta tea, contain licorice and cinnamon. Both spices have been shown to have an effect against SARS viruses. The same is known of elderflower tea. So enjoy a soothing cup of herbal tea more often as a preventative measure! The spices ginger and turmeric, which are widely used in Ayurveda, are also being intensively researched for their immune-stimulating effects.

Fieber – Freund oder Feind?Procedure in case of illness

Should you still "catch" an infection despite taking preventative measures, here are some tips:

  • Eat only when you are actually hungry. Otherwise skip meals. Avoid meat, sausage, eggs and dairy products.
  • Drink boiled hot water or tea for 10 minutes, at least half a cup every 30 minutes.
  • Take MA1405 and MA505 supplements. In acute cases of fever, headache, aching limbs, cough and cold, you can take these two remedies alternating every hour. When the symptoms improve, increase the intervals of taking them.
  • Take the orthomolecular supplements Ester-C, vitamin D and earth salt discussed above concomitantly in the recommended dosage.
  • A high-dose vitamin C infusion in our office gives the immune system a special boost and helps to overcome the infection more quickly. Vitamin C infusions can also be given as a preventative measure.
  • The best remedy for controlling fever and relieving the body is an enema. Read our blog post on this topic: fever - friend or foe?

Important: all measures described here can also be carried out in addition to any necessary conventional medical therapies!


In times of higher risk of infection, it makes sense to reduce stress levels and optimally adapt daily rhythms and diet to Ayurvedic recommendations. No matter if the virus is called "Coronavirus" (SARS-CoV-2) or is a banal cold germ: A strong immune system can prevent or significantly mitigate the outbreak of an illness. Take responsibility for those around you by limiting social contact as much as possible. Even if you don't feel sick, you can infect others. However, if you do feel ill and have symptoms of COVID-19, be sure to stay home, do not go to your family doctor, but call 1450 (applies to Austria). Strengthen the immune system according to our recommendations and go through the flu season free of fear!


*Sources: Süßholz: Zimt: Holunder:

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