Ein Jahr Corona. Wie geht es weiter?


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ein Jahr Corona. Wie geht es weiter?

Vaccinate - Yes or No? How do you feel when you hear about Corona? This topic has dominated all information media and conversations for exactly one year. And there is no end in sight. People are tired and frustrated by the restrictions. There is less and less understanding of the lockdown. Now that spring is luring everyone out, it is increasingly difficult to sit idly at home and do without social contacts. All hopes were pinned on vaccinations. But the vaccination programme is slow and sluggish. Unfortunately, the infection figures are now rising again, so the responsibility for easing up can hardly be assumed by the politicians. Many people are wondering whether to get vaccinated and how best to use the time until vaccination or herd immunity develops. The stand-off rules no longer allow for natural behaviour and can no longer be tolerated by the majority. Many people of all generations, especially many young people and children, suffer greatly from the constant fear-mongering and become ill from it. Never before have there been so many cases of depression, eating disorders and other mental ailments.

Ein Jahr Corona. Wie geht es weiter?

Principle of the 2nd element

The Ayurvedic method to get rid of diseases is strengthening health. This is not just about selective resistance to a particular type of virus, as is achieved through vaccination. It is about strengthening the inner balance, mentally and physically, in such a way that diseases do not find a breeding ground. [one_half]

In the illustrated quotation from the Ayurveda classic "Sushruta Samhita" (ca 500 B.C.) good health is characterised and defined. Health consists of 2 components: Balance of body functions ("sama-dosha...) and well-being (prasanna) on the levels of soul, mind and senses.

Proper nutrition and good bio-rhythm are the basis for good health

As a path to good health, the classical texts present "ahara" (diet) and "vihara" (lifestyle) in addition to medically recommended remedies. According to Ayurveda, no human being can achieve good and stable health if he/she does not pay attention to diet and observance of biorhythms in his/her lifestyle. And this does not change even if one is (successfully) vaccinated. This is because the rapidly mutating Corona virus may keep outpacing vaccine development. The Corona virus is a reality that has caught up with us humans. It is creating new environmental conditions that we, as a human race, must adapt to as a whole if we are to endure (Think of the powerful dinosaurs that failed to do so!!!). For this we need a stable mind-body system. And this is something we cannot achieve through vaccination, but only through a new attitude to diet and lifestyle. As discussed several times in our newsletter, politicians have failed to use the Corona crisis to advocate for better nutrition or healthier lifestyles.

Poor lifestyle responsible for majority of COVID complications

A study published just this week in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that this failure is causing major casualties. The study looked at data from nearly 1 million hospitalised Corona patients and examined how lifestyle factors affected the severity of COVID. Result: 64% of hospitalised COVID patients had to be hospitalised because of complications caused by poor lifestyle. Literally, the study authors write, "30% of these inpatient admissions were related to obesity, 26% to hypertension, 21% to diabetes and 12% to heart failure." In combination, according to a model calculation by the researchers, this results in 64 per cent severe courses of events that could have been prevented.   |  1

Lifestyle medicine important for prevention

The researchers concluded, "The results showed that lifestyle approaches are also very important to combat infectious pandemics such as Covid-19...Physicians should educate their high-risk patients and propagate lifestyle measures such as better diet and exercise to improve cardiovascular health and minimise the severity of corona virus infections." “  |  2

Vaccination - YES or No?

For many people who have now been socially isolated for months, and of course also for the economy, which in part has to remain in a dangerous slumber, the vaccination against COVID 19 is of course the hoped-for blessing. But does everyone tolerate the vaccination? Are there statistics showing how many people die "with and from COVID vaccination" (instead of with and from COVID)? I guess we will never know. The principle of vaccination is not fundamentally rejected in Ayurveda, on the contrary, there are many proponents of vaccination in the Ayurvedic community. But what is important for everyone from this point of view is a mental and physical preparation for a vaccination.

Integration of the beneficial

Every vaccination is an introduction of foreign bodies and foreign information that our physiology has to process. This requires the ability to integrate. This involves retaining what is useful and excreting what is harmful. The ability to integrate is referred to in Maharishi Ayurveda as 'Brahma' - the 'All-inclusive'. And there are several methods to develop this ability. On the mental level, it is the practice of Transcendental Meditation, which expands the mental horizon and balances the body. On the physical level, it is mainly the use of Rasayanas - life-enhancing preparations that strengthen the body and immune system. The "Rasayana of Wholeness" is Maharishi Amrit Kalash.

"Immunity Booster of the Year"

A distinguished jury has chosen the Rasayana Amrit Kalash as the "Immunity Booster of the Year 2020" because it supports the immune system in its task of retaining the information that is important for the body and excreting the rest. Ayurvedic experts (Vaidyas) advise vaccinators to take Amrit Kalash paste also as a preparation for COVID vaccination. Ideally, one should start taking one teaspoon of Amrit Kalash paste twice a day 2 weeks before the vaccination and continue taking it for 2-3 weeks after the vaccination. Of course, this does not exempt you from a healthy lifestyle with sufficient rest, regular meditation, sensible exercise and a balanced diet!

  1. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.019259
  2. https://science.orf.at/stories/3204966