Healthy Thyroid - Part 3


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Healthy Thyroid - Part 3

The butterfly is the symbol of lightness. Perhaps that is why the thyroid gland has the shape of a butterfly: when it functions in a balanced way, it gives us a feeling of lightness and agility. Most people with thyroid disorders experience exactly the opposite: tiredness, heaviness and listlessness. Read this time which Ayurvedic medicinal herbs and which vitamins have a favourable effect on the normal function of the thyroid gland and help to restore lightness and agility.


Guggul Myrrhe

Myrrh for the thyroid

Myrrh resin is a very common remedy in Ayurvedic medicine. It has long been known that myrrh is anti-inflammatory and acts as a "slimming agent". Recent research has shown that these effects are triggered by the fact that myrrh (Commiphora mukul) has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Three factors have been researched:

  1. Myrrh improves the absorption of iodine into the thyroid gland.
  2. Myrrh reverses the effect of factors that dampen thyroid function.
  3. Myrrh improves the function of important enzymes that bring about healthy thyroid function. These include the free radical scavengers superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and lipid peroxidase (LPO). The improved effectiveness of these enzymes allows the thyroid to produce more T3 and T4 hormones.



Ashwagandha and the thyroid gland

Ashwagandha (winter cherry, Withania somnifera) is the most commonly used Ayurvedic remedy for strengthening the autonomic nervous system. Studies show that ashwagandha supports healthy thyroid function, especially in combination with myrrh. Just like myrrh, the intake of ashwagandha has a favourable effect on the important radical scavenger enzymes SOD, CAT and LPO. This enables the thyroid gland to produce its hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) more effectively. Measurements show that the blood levels of these two hormones increase in healthy volunteers taking ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is one of the most important medicinal plants that have an "adaptogen" effect. This improves the ability to cope with stress. In tests on stress reactions, subjects who take ashwagandha twice a day perform with better test results than those who take placebo. Reference:

Kanchanara (Orchideenbaum, Bauhinia variegata)

Kanchanara and thyroid


Kanchanara (orchid tree, Bauhinia variegata) is traditionally used in Ayurveda to reduce swollen glands. In cases of inflammation of the thyroid gland, such as Hashimoto's, the thyroid gland is almost always also slightly swollen. Ayurvedic glandular remedies, which usually contain a combination of myrrh and orchid tree, can be used very well for almost all thyroid disorders. Due to its decongestant and anti-inflammatory effects, kanchanara can be used for both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, as well as for thyroid nodules with normal hormone production.

Use of Ayurvedic remedies for the thyroid gland

The three medicinal plants mentioned above can each be used alone or together, depending on the nature of the thyroid disorder. Because of the sensitivity of thyroid disorders, medical supervision is strongly recommended in all cases.

Vitamin D and the thyroid gland

Many thyroid diseases are caused by a derailment of the immune system, i.e. so-called autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D has a balancing effect on the immune system. A sufficiently high vitamin D level is especially important for thyroid patients. In our climate zone, such a level of vitamin D in the body can only be achieved by taking vitamin D all year round. Research in recent years has shown that a slightly higher vitamin D level is beneficial for autoimmune diseases. Especially the South American physician Prof. Dr. Coimbra has done research on the connection between autoimmune diseases and vitamin D therapy and achieved sensational successes. Caution: A "higher-dose" vitamin D therapy must never be carried out in a self-experiment, but must always be supervised by a doctor!

Vitamin B12 and the thyroid gland

Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland are often accompanied by autoimmune diseases in other organs. Thus, there is relatively often also a deficiency of vitamin B12, which is caused by overreactions of the immune system that damage the stomach and thus hinder the absorption of vitamin B12. An adequate supply of vitamin B12 is essential for blood formation, cell division and normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause similar symptoms to hypothyroidism, and hypothyroidism and vitamin B12 deficiency reinforce each other. Vegetarians and vegans in particular suffer from very low intakes of vitamin B12. When checking thyroid levels and suspecting hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 levels should always be measured as well.


The thyroid gland, the accelerator for our metabolism, is a delicate organ with a big impact. Up to 50% of the population, children not excluded, suffer from thyroid disorders. In the practice of modern medicine, particular attention is paid to ensuring that the laboratory values TSH and T4 are within the normal range in the case of thyroid disorders through drug therapy. Despite this therapy, many people continue to suffer from symptoms and complaints that are typical of a thyroid disorder. These people are treated and the values are correct, but they do not feel healthy. From a holistic medical point of view, an extended diagnosis and therapy for thyroid disorders is sensible and recommended. Only in this way can the underlying disorders such as vital substance deficiency, stress and overstimulation of the immune system be treated causally. An extended diagnosis with clarification of vital substances, immunological factors and stress influences paves the way for a holistic therapy.

Light as a butterfly

The feeling of lightness is an important indicator of good health. Only when the thyroid gland is functioning well can this feeling of "light as a butterfly" arise and be maintained permanently. We will be happy to support you when holistic diagnosis and therapy of the thyroid gland is required!   

Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (2)

  • Fariba schrieb am 13.06.2022

    Vorweg Herzlichen Dank für die gute Zusammenfassung der supplemente für die Schilddrüse. Gibt es erfahrungswerte dass die Schilddrüse die verkleinert ist wieder wächst?
    Gibt es eine Zusammenfassung wie man eine schilddrüsenunterfunktion am besten unterstützen kann?
    Würde mich sehr freuen von ihm zu hören.
    Beste Grüße
    Fariba Monard

    • soma med Team schrieb am 11.07.2022

      Liebe Frau Fariba,
      dafür ist es wichtig, dass die Autoimmunnreaktion zum Stillstand gekommen ist. Dies können Sie durch Ruhe, Schonung, Mikronährstoffe und ayurvedische Therapien erreichen.
      Gerne beraten wir Sie dazu in der Praxis!
      Ihr soma med Team

We look forward to your feedback!