Haemo laser: ordered light brings order to the body


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Haemo laser: ordered light brings order to the body

We have been using laser light for surface irradiation in our practice for a long time. We use this application mainly to accelerate wound healing in the case of poorly healing wounds and to relieve pain in the case of nerve pain of various causes.

For some months now, we have also had a laser device for direct irradiation of the blood with laser light. This application is called Haemo-Laser-Therapy.

Laser light is so special because it is very high-energy light. A laser light source emits light rays that are identical to each other in wavelength and wave phase. These light beams can be produced in the visible or invisible wave range. We currently use red and blue laser light in our practice, green light will be added soon.

According to Ayurvedic colour theory, each colour balances a particular dosha:

  • Red light is warming and stimulating, it balances especially an excess of Kapha.
  • Blue light is cooling and soothing, it has a calming influence on too much Pitta.
  • Green light is slightly warming and calming. This can balance an excess of Vata.

Haemo Red
Haemo Blue

Mode of action

Haemo-Laser therapy works by introducing a light guide into the bloodstream through an infusion needle, bringing the passing venous blood into direct contact with this coherent, ordered light. This has been shown to have a beneficial effect on red and white blood cells.

The blood cells become more flexible and more easily deformable as a result of the laser irradiation. As a result, they flow better through the finest blood channels (capillaries). The aggregation (clustering) of red blood cells and platelets is also reduced. This reduces the viscosity (stickiness) of the blood. The tissues are better supplied with blood.

Areas of application

The improvement of blood circulation leads to the following effects:

  • Improvement in circulatory disorders of the extremities (shop window disease)
  • Reduction of inflammation and pain in chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis of the large joints, rheumatic diseases)
  • Healing of chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B and C
  • Improvement in chronic respiratory diseases (COPD)
  • Reduction of harmful fats in the blood (cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides)

Long Covid

Haemo-laser therapy has proven to be very effective in the treatment of Long Covid symptoms. In a study in an Austrian rehabilitation centre, the significant reduction of the following symptoms could be confirmed by Haemo laser therapy:

  • Fatigue (chronic tiredness and exhaustion)
  • Loss of sense of smell and taste
  • Cough and shortness of breath
  • Pain and neurological disorders
  • Poor sleep
  • Reduced concentration and memory

Combination with vital substance infusions

In our practice, we combine Haemo laser therapy with vital substance infusions in most cases. In particular, high doses of vitamin C have proved very effective in combination with the laser. After only a few applications, patients report a clear improvement in their Long Covid symptoms.

The infusion therapy is particularly effective if a vital substance analysis is carried out beforehand and any deficiency substances discovered are added to the infusion. Very often these are vitamin B12, selenium, magnesium and iron.


Haemo-laser therapy is the direct irradiation of the blood with ordered, high-energy laser light. Modern research and experience have confirmed many health benefits of this method.

Above all, Long Covid patients, who often have a long path of suffering behind them, also benefit from Haemo Laser Therapy. An accompanying vital substance infusion therapy (high-dose vitamin C) optimises the effects of the Haemo laser.





Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (2)

  • Mag. Ulrike Wasner schrieb am 29.10.2022

    Danke für die Information! Klingt vielversprechend! Mir gefällt die Brücke zwischen Technik und ganzheitlicher Medizin.

  • Gabrielle Kamber schrieb am 29.10.2022

    Sehr geehrte Familie Schachinger,
    Mit grossem Interesse lese ich alle Ihrer Artikel.
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    Sehr gerne würde ich Sie wieder einmal beduchen kommen. Wir haben unseren Aufenthalt in Ihrem Kurhaus in bester Erinnerung.

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