Blood glucose and HbA1c ("long-term glucose") Part 2

What do my lab values mean? Part 8


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Blood glucose and HbA1c ("long-term glucose") Part 2

What do my lab values mean? Part 8

It is often difficult to understand which lab values mean what. We give you an overview in the series "What do my lab values mean?

Blood sugar from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda, modern medicine and naturopathy

The topic of the last article was blood sugar values. This time you will learn more about how to deal with elevated blood sugar levels from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda, modern medicine and naturopathy.

"My doctor told me to eat a small meal 5-7 times a day to manage my blood sugar," reports a new patient in our practice. Many patients with adult-onset diabetes still believe that they should eat at least 5 meals a day. Is this "therapy" still up to date?

You remember: A healthy fasting blood sugar is below 90 mg/dl. A healthy long-term blood sugar (HbA1c) is below 5.6%. Those who constantly have fasting blood glucose values above 90 mg/dl and therefore HbA1c above 5.6% run the risk of developing the concomitant and secondary symptoms of diabetes and dying sooner or later.

Concomitant and secondary diseases of diabetes type II

  • Overweight
  • Chronic inflammations, initially mostly as so-called "silent inflammations", later tendency to urinary tract infections.
  • Vascular damage (arteriosclerosis) with increased risk of high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks; peripheral arterial occlusive disease, which may necessitate the amputation of extremities.
  • Impaired vision due to destruction of the optic nerves.
  • Deterioration of the detoxification capacity of the kidneys to the point of kidney failure. This can lead to the need for dialysis.
  • Sexual disorders beginning with a lack of libido and potency, reduced production of vital sex hormones.
  • Damage to the nerves of the extremities (polyneuropathy) with loss of the sense of touch, severe chronic pain and increasing limitations of motor function.
  • Drying of the skin with a tendency to ulceration.

The sugar addiction
Measure blood glucose
Weight loss through sugar-reduced food

Development of diabetes

Adult-onset diabetes (type II diabetes or NIDDM) is essentially a disease of affluence and civilisation. It is caused by the fact that the hormone insulin has to be constantly produced due to too frequent and too high an intake of carbohydrates. This hormone of the pancreas transports sugar from the blood into the cells. On the one hand, too little insulin can be produced due to the constant intake of too much carbohydrate. On the other hand, the oversaturated cells allow the existing insulin to dock less and less, so that the sugar can no longer be removed from the bloodstream. This condition is called "insulin resistance".

Insulin resistance

This insulin resistance increases with the continuous intake of short-chain carbohydrates (sugar and white flour) and the lack of breaks between meals. As a result, blood sugar no longer falls to healthy fasting levels below 90 mg/dl. This has dramatic consequences. The body's cells are constantly surrounded by a "nutrient solution" that is too concentrated. This leads to inflammation of the cell walls, the affected cells age faster and can no longer renew themselves. This process leads to the consequences listed above.

Elimination of insulin resistance

In modern medicine, adult-onset diabetes is mainly treated by drugs that increase insulin secretion by the pancreas. However, this does not lead to a reduction in insulin resistance. This can only be reduced and eliminated if the body's cells use up their sugar reserves and open the floodgates again to absorb sugar. The sugar in the cells is used up by physical activity. The more physical activity a person does, the faster the fuel sugar is used up. The second way to use up sugar reserves is to take longer breaks from eating.

Hunger sensation as a measure of fasting blood sugar

Maharishi Ayurveda recommends eating a meal only when there is a strong feeling of hunger. Our eating habits today mean that many people do not or no longer know what a "strong feeling of hunger" is. "I feel unwell and can't perform if I don't have something sweet every 2 hours!" Following this motto, many people often take small bites or a few sips of a sweet, sugary drink during the day. This keeps their insulin levels constantly high and sooner or later they become insulin resistant. The supposed boost from frequent meals quickly leads to chronic fatigue and metabolic disorders. The Italian paediatrician Dr. Mario Ciampolini was able to determine in an experiment that test persons who were trained to perceive a strong feeling of hunger could feel their blood sugar level very precisely. As soon as honest hunger appeared, the blood sugar levels were always below 90 mg/dl. This experiment proves that the body gives us a natural signal when it is ready for food. Then it is also able to utilise the food completely, so that the blood sugar level always remains within a healthy range.

Sugar addiction

It is a difficult undertaking to change eating habits. Through our eating habits, we not only feed our body cells, but also the tens of billions of bacteria in our gut. By eating a diet high in sugar and white flour, we breed colonies of gut bacteria that can only survive on sugar intake. As soon as we try to eat less often or smaller amounts of short-chain carbohydrates, there is revolution in the gut: the sugar-dependent gut inhabitants shower us with messengers that tell our brain: "You must eat something sweet NOW!" Studies have shown that sugar can be more addictive than drugs, which are classified as dangerous.

Turning away from sugar addiction

If you want to beat sugar addiction, you need patience. You have to achieve 2 things:

  1. Modify one's behaviour.
  2. Build a new gut flora (microbiome).

Both of these things take time. Both a change in behaviour and a modification of the microbiome take several weeks. Such a change is hardly possible without external support through competent guidance. The Ayurvedic programme "Happy Slim" is a proven way to achieve both within 3-4 weeks. This Ayurvedic cure, offered as a distance learning course (webinar), can be done at home. It includes a targeted change in eating behaviour through the perception of hunger and a typical Ayurvedic intestinal cleansing, which leads to a rapid change in eating habits.  

Happy Slim" webinar - Reversal opportunity for diabetes patients

Some participants of previous "Happy Slim" webinars were able to notice significant improvements in fasting sugar and HbA1c values. The best thing about it: this improvement in the findings was associated with a significantly better attitude to life. The body weight was several kilograms lighter, fatigue was blown away and performance increased enormously.

"The Happy Slim webinar was my personal turning point towards better health. After the webinar, my blood values were significantly improved: the inflammation parameters were gone, the Gamma GT had halved, cholesterol and blood sugar were within the normal values and the long-term sugar HBA1c had dropped from 7.6 to 5.9. I was permanently 5 kilos lighter and had learnt a new eating pattern."

Mrs. V.T.

Gamma GT before and after the Happy Slim webinar
HDL before and after the Happy Slim webinar
Triglycerides before and after the Happy Slim webinar
Total cholesterol before and after the Happy Slim webinar
Blood Sedimentation Before and After the Happy Slim Webinar
CRP before and after the Happy Slim webinar

So this method is not about "finding cosmetics" through medication, but about healing metabolic processes that have gone out of control. Every person who is overweight is automatically at risk of developing adult-onset diabetes over time. Weight normalisation through improved eating habits and Ayurvedic cleansing methods will certainly help to significantly reduce existing diabetes or, even better, prevent it from developing in the first place.

Participating in the webinar "Happy Slim" is our best recommendation to eliminate diabetes type II at its root. You can find more information about the webinar here

We look forward to your feedback!