Shiro-Abhyanga (head massage)


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Shiro-Abhyanga (head massage)

Oil massages are used in Maharishi Ayurveda to nourish the body tissues and balance the three doshas. Full body massages are most effective. However, partial massages of different areas of the body can be used specifically when there are localised problems or even when a full body massage is not possible due to time/financial constraints.

Important reflex zones (Marmas) of all three Doshas are located in the head and neck area. These sensitive points on the surface of the body are connected to the rest of the organism via shrotas (body channels). Therefore, a head massage not only has local effects, it harmonises all parts of the body with each other.

The application of dosha-specific oils and aromas can further enhance the personal harmonising effect.

Shiro Abhyanga is also used as a preparation for typical Ayurvedic detoxification therapies. Nasya and Shirobasti are each introduced by an Ayurvedic head and neck massage.

Typical indications for Shiro Abhyanga are: Headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, mental restlessness, sleep disorders, allergies and sinus problems.

Shiro Abhyanga is very suitable for self-application when there is not enough time for a full-body self-massage.

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