soma at 10,000 for world peace in India


soma at 10,000 for world peace in India

Our doctor Wolfgang Schachinger, his wife Gerda and a group from Austria travelled to India after the Christmas holidays to be part of a very special event. More than 11,000 people have already met near Hyderabad to practise the peace-building techniques of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques together.

10,000 for World Peace is an initiative of Dr Tony Nader, the leader of the international Transcendental Meditation movement. The event was held near Hyderabad in India from 29 December to 13 January with over 11,000 participants from all over the world. A total of 139 nations were represented to meditate together for world peace. Even a group of elderly women from the Himalayas made the journey. Vedic verses were recited and ceremonies for peace were held daily by 900 Vedic Pundits (scholars) traditionally dressed in white.

1000 vediscche Oundits führten glückbringende Rezitationen und Zeremonien durch
850 indogene Frauen aus den Himalaya Regionen werteten den Kurs mit ihrer natürlichen Mütterlichkeit und ihrem bunten Erscheinungsbild auf
ca. 5.000 Schüler und Studentenvon Maharishi Schulen und Colleges aus Indien konnten teilnehmen

According to Wolfgang Schachinger, who was there with his wife Gerda and our therapist and meditation teacher Günter Rickal, there was plenty of time to meditate, exciting conversations, interesting people of all ages and a very harmonious atmosphere.

Ein Teil der ca. 40-köpfigen Delegation aus Österreich
Eindrücke von der schönen Anlage
Eindrücke von der schönen  Anlage

The World Peace 10,000 initiative is an enormous endeavour to change the trend of the times and bring peace to the world. This is what Dr Tony Nader, head of the worldwide movement for Transcendental Meditation, told the participants of the meeting. The aim is to harmonise and at the same time preserve diversity.

Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger im Gesrpäch mit Dr. Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., MARR
Kanha Shanti Vanam Campus

The Kanha Shanti Vanam Campus accommodates and feeds thousands of meditators in several large halls, kitchens with vegetarian cuisine and spacious sleeping areas in tents including electricity and fully equipped bathrooms.

Gutes Essen...
... und große Kochtöpfe, um 10.000 zu füttern!

With Transcendental Meditation and the Maharishi Effect to world peace

The founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, united large groups of TM meditators in the 1990s to defuse and resolve international conflicts. Many studies published in prestigious scientific journals have shown the effectiveness of this method.

Due to the corona epidemic, it was no longer possible to meditate in large groups and all existing large groups of TM meditators worldwide had to be dissolved. At the same time, we have seen an unprecedented escalation of conflicts and armed conflicts in recent years.

The 10,000 for World Peace event now aims to reverse this trend. Scientists are following this initiative closely in order to be able to measure the effect of this meeting using objective criteria. The aim of the initiative is also to permanently establish one or even several groups of 10,000 advanced meditators at various locations around the world once this test phase is over. Political leaders and heads of other spiritual organisations have appeared as visitors to support this initiative for the benefit of all humanity.

What is the Maharishi Effect? The Maharishi Effect is the reduction of stress and improvement in the quality of life in society when 1% of the population practices the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. Recently, interest in meditation has greatly increased, Dr Nader said, which is one of India's and Maharishi's invaluable gifts to the world.

The Transcendental Meditation in soma

Günter Rickal teaches Transcendental Meditation (TM) at our centre. Together with his colleague Barbara Diewald, they help our course participants to transcend. The feeling of being more in harmony with yourself, experiencing deeper fulfilment. This is my favourite part of the job, says Günter Rickal, because it is completely effortless for me and has the greatest effect on the course participants.

Please contact us if you are interested in an introduction to Transcendental Meditation.


Phone: +43 (0) 7732 455 76


Eindrücke von der schönen Anlage in Kanha Shanti Vanam

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