The emergence of soma

soma, how it all began - Part 12 Completion and relocation


The emergence of soma

soma, how it all began - Part 12 Completion and relocation

In spring 2021, it was a pleasure to observe the rapid growth of the shell. Only local materials with short transport routes were used: 50 cm hollow bricks from a nearby brickworks for the outer and intermediate walls, wood from the Hausruck and Kobernaußerwald for the beautiful tram ceilings and the roof truss.

On 7 June 2021, another intermediate stage could be celebrated. The ridge celebration with the craftsmen, neighbours and family members involved was one of the first celebrations after the Corona lockdown in spring 2021.

Ridge celebration
Ridge celebration on June 11, 2021
Ridge celebration with craftsmen, neighbors and family members

Soon the roof was tiled and the glass dome for the atrium was installed. Now, for the first time, one could get an idea of the beauty and dimensions of the building.

The feeling that one could soon move into the building was deceptive. The interior work took much longer than a layman might imagine. Many kilometres of electricity, IT, water, heating and ventilation lines were laid.

Heating technology
Heating, water pipes

Behind the scaffolding, the exterior plaster was applied and the house was coloured a soft shade of yellow. The partition walls on the 3 floors grew step by step.

Already in late summer it became clear that completion by Christmas would not be possible. Architect Schrattenecker, who meticulously accompanied the construction with his daughter Sophie, held out the prospect of completion in February 2022.

In autumn, work was also carried out on the exterior landscaping of the property. 2 retention basins for rainwater and a biotope, which serves as a fire-fighting water pond, were created. Parking spaces, access roads and a footpath around the house were paved.

Exterior facade

Before Christmas 2021, the interior works for floors and partition walls were completed. The house was already heated at this stage with heat from the geothermal energy of our healing spring to support rapid drying.

Winter break

After the Christmas break, we went full steam ahead with the completion on 10 January. Painters, floor layers, tilers, electricians, plumbers and carpenters worked at piecework to meet the completion date in February. On some days, more than 30 hard-working craftsmen frequented the construction site.


Now completion is near. According to Vedic tradition, a date has been fixed by the Jyotishi (Vedic astrologer) for the inauguration of the house. On 5 February 2022 at 9 am, the house dedication ceremony will take place on a small scale. The Schachinger family and all the staff will gather and experience a celebration in traditional Ayurvedic style.

Inauguration ceremony

February 10th is the last working day for Ordination Dr. Schachinger and Ayurvedashop in Ried. Then they will pack up and move!

On 21 February the practice, Ayurveda therapy and Ayurveda shop will start operating in soma - the new centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and holistic medicine. On 28 February, the first guests are expected to experience an in-patient Pancha Karma cure at the centre.

During the first weeks (trial operation), the first Pancha Karma guests will be received at particularly favourable conditions. Those who register quickly now will benefit from generous introductory discounts on our spa packages.

More information about our spa packages

A grand public opening ceremony will take place on 3 May 2022. You will find details about this in good time in our upcoming newsletters.

We look forward to your feedback!

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