Webinar "Happy Slim" - Registration Deadline


Webinar "Happy Slim" - Registration Deadline

Are you really satisfied with your body? Are you happy and proud when you look at yourself in the mirror?

Happiness, well-being and self-love are important prerequisites for your body weight to correspond to your constitution. Wrong eating behaviour and metabolic disorders are an expression of the fact that the relationship between mind and body does not function smoothly. Tension, frustration and fatigue lead to you not being able to perceive and interpret the body's signals correctly. This then leads to incorrect interpretations of these signals, which cause us to eat too much, too little or things that are not good for us. Then we quickly deviate from our personal feel-good weight.

The exercises you will learn in the "Happy Slim" webinar are aimed precisely at bringing eating behaviour and metabolism into balance through a loving attitude towards the body. You will learn to perceive and use the intelligence of your body. Your body never lies and never lets you down!

Do the best for your body and register now for this 25-day training!

"I want to be happily slim!"

In 25 days you will be guided by 2 doctors at home through an effective Ayurvedic cleansing cure. Under everyday conditions, you will experience how your mind and body are freed from old burdens and how the coordination between mind and body improves day by day. Your body loses tension and fatigue. You are able to perceive the fine impulses and information it constantly sends you well and convert them into action. Unlike other cures, it is not a specific diet that is the decisive factor, but the needs of your body. This means that "Happy Slim" does not lead to a yoyo effect, which you may know from other diets.

"I want to lose weight sustainably!"

A pilot study in our practice showed that participants not only lost an average of 4kg in the 25 days, but also had significantly better values for other risk factors for lifestyle diseases. Inflammation levels, liver values, blood lipids and blood pressure improved significantly in the test persons. This is a first indication that "Happy Slim" raises well-being and at the same time measurably improves health.

"I want to reduce my risk factors sustainably!"

The "Happily Slim" webinar is scheduled only once each year. The timing at the end of spring, which according to Maharishi Ayurveda is the peak of the Kapha period, is deliberately chosen. During this time it is particularly beneficial to eliminate accumulated Kapha (in the form of excess weight) and Ama (metabolic waste products) from the body. Also for cosmetic reasons, many participants feel it is important to improve their figure in time for the summer. The next summer is coming for sure!

"I want to achieve my summer figure!"

Read what enthusiastic participants of previous "Happy Slim" webinars say:

"I am impressed and really HAPPY in terms of the webinar goal! Not only have I lost the 5 KG of weight I wanted to get rid of, the gain in energy is enormous. I have already been to the Ayurveda cure twice, but your webinar has moved and effected much more in me, among other things precisely because it does not take place in a protected setting far away from everyday life and thus has a beginning and an end - it takes place in the middle of my everyday life and gives me the hope of integrating a good part into my future life permanently. I am very happy and grateful to have participated in the webinar" Ms. Anja H. Austria

"Attending this seminar was very beneficial for me personally. It showed me that it is possible to have time for myself again on a regular basis, despite having a household, children and work. Along the way, I also lost 6kg, without compulsion, starvation and with exceptions (parties). Overall, it has made me more patient, more content and calmer. I hope it stays that way for a long time." Ms Karin W. Austria

"Book now - closing date is 24 April 2021, midnight"

"Happy Slim is our best webinar. We are so convinced about it because we can impart more Ayurvedic knowledge due to the duration of the webinar of over 3 weeks. This webinar is also long enough for old patterns of behaviour to be replaced with new, mindful approaches to food and nutrition.
We guarantee that attending our webinars will provide you with health benefits and valuable knowledge for a life of vitality. And what's more, a cleansed body leads to a clear, happy and optimistic mind.

Dr. Wolfgang and Dr. Valeria Schachinger


We look forward to your feedback!

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