Webinar "Happy Slim" - permanently healthy and proper nutrition


Webinar "Happy Slim" - permanently healthy and proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is a much discussed topic. The media shower us with (mis)information and advertising about food. For many people, it is becoming increasingly difficult to implement healthy nutrition in everyday life. The recommendations from different directions are too contradictory. 

"Since I attended the webinar "Happy Slim", I find it much easier to cope with my diet", says our participant Ms. H.M. "I learned 2 important things in this webinar: firstly, that eating behaviour is at least as important as food and secondly, that I can trust my body, that I can feel which food is beneficial to me and which is not."

Food and eating behaviour

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, good quality food is important. However, the vital substances from food can only be absorbed and utilised by the body if they are fully digested. 

Optimising digestive power is the key to well-being and good health. And this can be achieved through the right eating habits. 

Upward and downward deviations from normal weight are among the most common health problems. Almost all of these problems are caused by wrong eating behaviour. 

"Diet" alone does not make you happy or slim

Almost everyone has had the experience that changes in body weight through changes in the quality of food succeed only briefly, if at all. For the development of a good body feeling and a normal weight, it is necessary that the eating behaviour is exactly attuned to the needs of the body. We can only achieve this if we learn to understand the language of the body and act accordingly. 

Satisfaction is the key to a sustainable optimisation of eating behaviour and thus of digestive strength. 

Recognising the body's needs

"Happily Slim" contains precisely the exercises and cleansing procedures that train eating behaviour that is permanently oriented towards the needs of the body. 

"Happy Slim - satisfaction in head and belly" - this is the path to the right diet and to a personal feel-good weight. 

Eating and personality

"Eating behaviour is a mirror of personality," says Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger. "Every person should keep in mind for him/herself when and how he/she eats. Eating too fast, too slow, secretly, stressfully, irregularly, too much or too little indicates that a person is not in balance."

"Take a big step with us in your personal development: learn to recognise the language of your body and live according to it. Your body is intelligent and will lead you in the right direction if you only learn to listen to it. The cleansing cure and the exercises of "Happy Slim" are a must if you want to eat healthy and right in the long run."

"Join us as we work through this important life issue together and make the most of it."

We want to inspire you to join us for this great webinar. It will be good for you!


Tags: Webinar

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