Annual Product 2020 - Amrit Kalash

Amrit Kalash and the side effects of chemotherapy


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Annual Product 2020 - Amrit Kalash

Amrit Kalash and the side effects of chemotherapy

Every cancer is a stroke of fate. Despite great advances in modern medicine, patients with cancer face an intense ordeal and a shortened life expectancy.

The first question almost every patient diagnosed with cancer asks is: "What can I do myself to cure or alleviate it?" Most of these patients look for ways to prevent the spread of the disease by changing their diet.

Accompanying treatments for chemotherapy

The doctors treating these patients often give unsatisfactory answers to this question. They specialise in fighting cancer with steel (surgery), radiation (radioactive irradiation) and chemistry (chemotherapy and immunotherapy). Very often they are unable to appreciate dietary measures or even complementary medical treatments or reject them completely. The rejection often happens with the indication that these applications could endanger the success of their therapies.

According to the classical texts, Maharishi Amrit Kalash nourishes all body tissues and increases ojas, the mysterious body substance that connects mind and body. Amrit Kalash contains no single substances that conflict in any way with the active ingredients of chemotherapy or the effects of radiation. A variety of low-dose secondary herbal substances contained in the MA4 and MA5 preparations protect the healthy cells of the body. Chemotherapy or radiation should ideally only damage diseased cells so that they can no longer multiply. Unfortunately, intensive cancer therapy does not stop at healthy cells and leads to anaemia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to nerve cells and the immune system.

Amrit Kalash in studies

Between 1992 and 2008, several studies* investigated whether taking the dietary supplement Maharishi Amrit Kalash could reduce the common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Parameters such as nausea, appetite, weight loss, independence and subjective well-being were investigated. The studies showed that all these symptoms of better health were statistically significantly less in chemotherapy patients.

The second important question of the research was whether taking Amrit Kalash reduced the results of chemotherapy. The result of several studies was that the participants in the Amrit Kalash group had equally good or statistically non-significantly better results than the participants in the chemotherapy without Amrit Kalash. However, the difference was that the side effects were at least 25% less pronounced.

In Dr Schachinger's practice, many patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy receive the recommendation to include Maharishi Amrit Kalash in their diet. From the reports and examinations of these patients, these study results can be confirmed.

The recommendation is: from the beginning of every cancer therapy, Amrit Kalash (MA4 and MA5) should be taken in addition to a "healthy diet".












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