The right holiday for every type


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

The right holiday for every type

Summertime is holiday time!

In summer, there is an excess of pitta in nature: heat, humidity, sudden discharge with thunderstorms. This excess of pitta can make us tired. Our performance becomes less, and that is why summer is particularly suitable as a holiday season. To relax, we naturally seek places where we can enjoy the elements, especially light, water and air, in their purity. Depending on our constitution, we are drawn to the elements that have the most balancing effect on us.

Der richtige Urlaub für jeden Typ

Light and sun

Without heat and light there is no life. Light transports heat and a lot of other information that is essential for our lives. For most people, summer offers a unique opportunity to recharge with enough warmth and light for the cold and dark season. Depending on our constitution, we need more or less warmth and sun to feel well. People with Vata and Kapha dominance are the most sun-hungry. If Pitta is very dominant in the constitution or in the complaint pattern (Vikriti), we have to be especially careful with light and heat to avoid further overheating of the system. Those who suffer from hyperacidity, sensitive skin and inflamed mucous membranes, liver disorders or burning eyes all year round should protect themselves from heat in summer. For such people, a holiday at a cooling lake or in the mountains, where the elements of water and air predominate, is much more beneficial.


When sunlight containing UVB hits the skin, vitamin D can be produced by the body. The midday sun in particular contains a high proportion of UVB light. How valuable a sufficiently high vitamin D level is for the health of all age groups and constitution types is increasingly recognised by medicine. In order to stimulate the body's own vitamin D formation, one should carry out short sunbathing sessions between 11 am and 3 pm. In the beginning, the exposure time should not be longer than 5-10 minutes. After this exposure time, one should only spend time in nature with sufficient sun protection. This sun protection can consist of sunscreen, light-proof clothing and headgear, or appropriate shading. Only gradually should the duration of sunbathing be extended. It is important to increase the time of sun exposure in steps of 5-10 minutes per day. If you also take enough vitamin D in the summer, you will notice that your susceptibility to sunburn becomes much less. Nevertheless, caution is advised to avoid exposing the skin to the risk of cancer through sunburn. The following rule of thumb is important: first a short period of unprotected sunbathing, then use sunscreen! Extend exposure time to such an extent that no sunburn occurs!

Skin care after sun exposure

Because we normally spend most of our lives indoors, the skin is sensitive to sun exposure. It easily becomes a little rougher and drier, and even a small overdose of sunlight will cause skin redness. Therefore, you should proceed as follows: - In case of skin redness: rub affected areas with aloe vera gel , repeat every 1-2 hours depending on the redness. - Before every shower and bath, give a full body oil massage with Pitta massage oil - Use Pitta body lotion for daily skin care. - For sensitive facial skin, apply additional Pitta care cream before sleeping. - It is important to drink enough fluids, preferably only still water. The amount you drink should be about ½ litre more than your normal daily ration. - The skin not only needs nourishing oils from the outside, but also from the inside. In summer, take an additional ration of healthy oils with every meal: 1 tablespoon of ghee, olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil or 5 ml (= 1 teaspoon) of fish- or algae-based omega 3 oil.

Favourable holiday areas for Vata, Pitta and Kapha

When Vata is dominant, there is a dominance of the elements of space and air in the mind-body system. As a sensible balance, a holiday that allows greater exposure to the elements of heat, water and earth is favourable. This can be: a stay by the sea in a southern region, a stay at a lake, a thermal bath or in a wooded area. The holiday should ideally be spent in one place and not involve constant changes of location. Light daily physical activities such as walking and swimming should definitely be part of the relaxation. Deep relaxation during a yoga or meditation stay has a balancing effect on Vata.

If Pitta is dominant, there is a dominance of the elements fire (heat) and water. Therefore, holiday resorts that allow exposure to the elements of space, air and earth should be preferred. It is important for these people that it is not too hot on holiday! Possible areas for holidays are therefore: Staying in the mountains, in northern countries such as Scandinavia, in wooded areas. Daily physical activities that are somewhat challenging, such as mountain climbing, cycling and swimming in cooler waters should be part of the holiday. Deep relaxation during a yoga or meditation stay has a balancing effect on Pitta.

When Kapha is dominant, there is a dominance of the elements water and earth. Therefore, people with Kapha dominance should spend their holidays in places where exposure to the elements of space, air and fire is possible. The following possibilities exist for this: Staying in the mountains, in areas with a warm-dry climate such as Burgenland, Weinviertel or Hungary, thermal baths, active holidays such as cycling or long-distance hiking, e.g. on pilgrimage paths. City trips or round trips with repeated changes of location are also recommended for Kapha dominance. Deep relaxation during a yoga or meditation stay also has a balancing effect on Kapha.

Holidays with the family

Since every family contains different people with different needs, it is important to plan holidays so that there is something for everyone. If it is not possible to arrange a holiday in such a way that all family members are satisfied and have their needs met, then at least the next holiday should include aspects that are a special highlight for the one who is disadvantaged this time. The most important aspect of a holiday should never be neglected: It should be relaxing and really fun! You can see what belongs in the Ayurvedic travel pharmacy in the next article. 

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