How to strengthen my immune system


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

How to strengthen my immune system

Through concerted effort, a deadly epidemic from coronavirus appears to have been averted for now. New cases are declining significantly, and the number of deaths from COVID-19 is far below the figures for the annual flu epidemic. Nevertheless, the coronavirus will continue to occupy us for a long time. On the one hand, because of the economic consequences of the shutdown, and on the other, because of the ever-lurking threat of a resurgence of infection. Both consequences will demand much of us. It will take concerted efforts to maintain our accustomed standard of living. We will have to adapt to many innovations in our daily lives.

From our point of view, the consequences for our health are even more serious. More than ever, we are obliged to take care of our health and vitality. The Corona infection has shown quite clearly: Those who have a strong immune system, who are in balance, are not susceptible to infection, and certainly not to a complicated course of disease with Corona virus. When the standstill is over, it is important to face the new challenges with a strong immune system. We would like to help you achieve that.

Factors for a strong immune system

The immune system is highly complex. Many functions, messenger substances and specialized body cells interlock to maintain the integrity of our body. The task is clearly defined: Only allow substances and germs to enter the body that are beneficial. Anything that could do harm must be prevented from entering or rendered harmless within the body. In the history of mankind it has been shown that deficiencies of vital substances have favored the development of diseases and epidemics. This is true for the vitamin C deficiency of the seafarers as well as for the vitamin D deficiency, which has increased due to urbanization. In all ancient natural healing systems, there were tonics to reduce susceptibility to disease. In Maharishi Ayurveda, these are called "rasayanas. " These rasayanas are sometimes prepared in an extremely complex way and contain a large number of so-called secondary plant substances that support the body's own enzyme systems. Modern natural science has been able to define vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones and messenger substances as substances that are essential, i.e. indispensable, for many bodily functions. Orthomolecular medicine defines the body's content and need for these substances. It is found that in general blood values are evaluated as "normal", which rather represent an undersupply. With an undersupply of vital substances, the immune system cannot be expected to function optimally.


To determine if action is needed, ideally the baseline situation should first be assessed. By taking a blood sample, many of the essential substances that the body needs for optimal function can be measured. Through an Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis, which we perform on all of our patients, it can be determined to what extent the functional circuits of physiology defined in Ayurveda are in balance. How well are doshas (regulating principles), agni (digestive power) and dhatus (body tissues) in balance and attuned to each other? From the results of the blood values and the pulse diagnosis, a personalized therapy can be developed.

Orthomolecular medicine

The minerals magnesium, zinc and selenium are particularly important for a strong immune system. If a deficiency is detected by blood analysis, these substances should be substituted as dietary supplements. For most minerals, the dosage is not a problem. Only with selenium can overdosage lead to unfavorable effects. Therefore, blood levels of minerals should be checked occasionally. Of the vitamins, especially vitamin C and D are important for normal defenses. Reliable sources from China have reported that patients with COVID-19 have received infusions of high-dose vitamin C in addition to conventional medicine. Are the particularly low death rates from COVID-19 in China due to this? We probably won't know for a few years. Vitamin D should definitely be substituted year-round in our climate zone and with our lifestyle of primarily staying indoors. The level of meaningful vitamin D substitution is still the subject of heated debate. What is certain is that populations with particularly low vitamin D levels, such as nursing home residents, have the highest death rate from COVID-19. Do you know your vitamin D level? Are you adequately protected? If you cannot answer "yes" to these questions with certainty, it is high time for a vitamin D determination and a vitamin D therapy adapted to you personally.

Maharishi Ayurveda

The magic word for strong defenses is "Ojas". This is the body fluid that is produced when food is optimally digested. In order to achieve this, a few prerequisites are needed: regular detoxification, the individually appropriate foods, and correct eating habits. During personal consultations with pulse diagnosis in our practice, we take special care to provide you with nutritional recommendations and Ayurvedic home treatments that are optimal for you personally. During our webinars we share the knowledge about these factors. In a short time, you can learn everything that is important to strengthen the immune system. At the recent "Health NOW" webinar, we paid special attention to lifestyle and nutrition. If you missed this live webinar, now is your chance to catch up. "Health NOW" is now available as an ON DEMAND webinar: [maxbutton id="7"]  


Major casualties to health and human life from the Corona pandemic have been mitigated for now through intensive measures and concerted efforts. However, the threat of COVID-19 is not over. Those who wish to escape this disease should not wait for possibly effective medications for the seriously ill or vaccinations. NOW is the time to strengthen health and immune system. We offer comprehensive diagnostics of important co-factors for the immune system and holistic therapy approaches to stabilize good health in our practice.